Alright, tis done! -Pilot- Pilot Name: Kathrine (Kat) Zelko Age: 27 Gender: Female Personal Info: Fairly relaxed and calm, nothing usually gets her too worked up. She isn't particularly chatty, but isn't the silent type either. She just doesn't excessively talk to people. Overall a fairly neutral individual who is just trying to get through life the best way she can. When comes to facing down foes, she doesn't prefer showing mercy. It doesn't matter whether the person she's killing deserves mercy or not, without any hesitation she will pull the trigger. Anyone who she actually cares about to a high degree will be protected by her, of course. This may come as a surprise due to the fact that her outward appearance seems to display someone who is really out for themselves and no one else. During her down time, she will sketch and write down little blurbs and thoughts that come to her or about what she's seeing in a small, beaten up journal. Brief Bio: (Keepin things brief) Kathrine has been in the mercenary business for awhile now and has a considerable amount of experience in killing people both in and out of her mobile frame. She also suffered a sever accident that left her the way she looks today. [hider=Appearance:] [img=] [/hider] She stands at around 6'3. All along the left side of her head, down her entire back, and her left leg, there is a grotest looking exposed flesh and wires, as if she had been severely burned by chemicals. most of it is covered up by her clothes, but her face is only partially covered by the mask she constantly wears. She is never seen without her mask. Overall she's fairly thin and muscular with long, silver hair. She wears a tattered old dark grey cloak, a black T-shirt underneath and gray colored camouflaged pants with grey combat boots. Link to Theme Song: [url=]Celldweller: Against the Tide.[/url] -Mobile Frame- Serial Number: AVS-247 Designation/Nickname: Helldiver Weaponry/Equipment: Right Arm: 37mm Automatic Cannon Left Arm: Five foot long Laser Cutter Shoulders: Twin 88mm railgun cannons and six 20mm smoke grenade launchers Torso: Two 7.62mm anti infantry Gatling Guns. Can launch two small recon UAVs from a slot on the back. [hider=Appearance:] [img=] [/hider] Other: