For very little reason Kenshin decided to have an episode right then and there. In reality it was probably a stress that they were all feeling, Suto knew he was. The rest of them however looked to be fairing far better than their friend was. Sympathizing then with his concerns Suto opened his mouth to speak, instead being cut off by Fitch. Their style in calming someone down showed itself when Fitch figured it best to punch Kenshin to 'knock some sense' into him. Cringing at the blow Suto shook his head, chuckling uneasily under his breath. "Jeez Fitch... Was that really necessary?" Rather quickly the conversation between the two boys escalated, or exploded might be a better word for it. In a surprising fit of anger Fitch was giving the more timid boy a proper chewing out, perhaps taking things a touch too far with his rebuttal. There was concern he might strike Kenshin again if not for Yari pulling him back much to Suto's relief. Hoping not to step on any toes he then walked over to Kenshin's side, putting a hand on his shoulder and offering a kind smile. "Seriously though, no reason to freak out dude. We're all together most of the time, and we've got each others backs. No one is going to die while we're like this, I can promise you that much." Simplistic as it might be he hoped that his few words did some good in calming Kenshin's nerves. In an abstract way it was Suto's own nerves too that were settled, taking solace in strength in numbers. They were all capable and all also had weaknesses, and it was in their group they were the most likely to survive. As the topic changed Suto looked to Fitch, flashing a grin at his friend. "Oh right, because you've done that so many times before," he teased back, putting his hands on his hips. "Come on Fitch, the only one you're kidding is yourself. But hey, it's cool. You two work well together, we won't ruin that." "As much as I can't believe I'm saying this, he's right. You two are a good team, it'd only hurt us overall if we made you change partners." Therein lied a problem in of itself though. Luna wasn't too proud to admit that, while she had some skill she was certainly far from the best. That honor she figured went to Fitch and Yari respectively. In a manner of speaking they were the 'A' team, and she, Suto and Kenshin the 'B' team. How ironic that while she was reluctant to be a partner to Suto she should fall in the same category of him. Not without heart she looked over to Kenshin, smiling gently. "And the others are right too, nothing is going to happen as long as we stick together. We all make up for the others faults, and in turn make a great team." In the same mentality with Fitch she was sincerely determined to prevent the demise of any of her friends, even if she didn't show it. In some regards it was the group around her that helped her retain some sense of sanity in all of this chaos. Now that they were done with that little outburst it was finally time to get back to the matter at hand; training. "I thought you'd never ask..." Luna mused, smiling as she withdrew a few throwing knives. "It's not a worthwhile session if we don't improve at least a little." Training was rather par for the course, nothing of significance really to mention. Loot and money aside the group would return to Caldwell much in the same state as they had left, though with one or two levels higher. Some would likely go off to the nearest store to sell what they didn't need to bring in a little extra cash, while others were bound to go relax. In the safe zones it was much more common for them all to split up, as there was no express reason to be quite as cautious. Taking the same route out of the jungle they found themselves [URL=]crossing the field[/url] once more, making their way back to the city. Suto bore a wide grin as he walked, scrolling through his inventory and taking in his now slightly more impressive wallet. There was a fair bit he could do with that, and though common sense told him to save it for gear he was inkling to have a little fun. It was how nearly every excursion ended up for him; fight monsters and get loot, return to town to sell said loot, and spend upwards of 90% of his earned Col on nonsensical fun. Being so early in the game and for the most part surrounded by reliable friends there was little reason, he mused, to worry so much about what he wore and carried into combat. Chuckling happily to himself he materialized a satchel of Col, tossing it up and catching it in an open palm. "Oh man, what should I buy? Food? Some drinks? Maybe I'll find a bard and do some dancing!" Conversely, Luna was meticulously planning out precisely what she'd use her money for. Her gear was acceptable for now, but there was always room to improve. A quick look at her funds and a little metal math told her she was shy of any real big pieces of gear, save for perhaps some new gloves or boots. If they had good bonuses though then it would be a worthwhile investment. In addition she made a mental note to set aside at least 100 Col for food, and hopefully then she would have enough for the room at the inn as well. "How about a new dagger Suto?" she suggested, closing her own menu. "Honestly, you've had that for a while, purchasing a new one might be a good idea. Or some new clothes, if you can afford it. I can't imagine a basic Gi uniform is very effective armor." What was the point of suggesting anything when they all knew Suto was going to indulge in his games rather than take things seriously. Giving an exasperated roll of her eyes Luna looked on ahead and kept walking, lifting a hand to brush some hair out of her eyes and behind her ear. "Or at least save it... You might need it."