She hissed quietly as he pinned her rolled her serpentine eyes. "Pity that such clan has to deal with crowmeat like you!" and very gently would she push him off. As she got up, her rough tongue would clean the dust off of her silky coat. "Can't a loner get some food around here?" Hawk knew the code well, but assumed a pretty little Loner like her could ignore it. She didn't miss clan life. And she wasn't lonely. Just hungry all the time. And this male obviously wasn't going to empathize. When she was finished grooming her fur, she would sit proudly and examine him thoroughly. "Take me to this leader of yours. I want to see how tough your clan is. Wanna see if you really are what everyone depicts you as." this time she really was serious. She wouldn't pull such acts in ShadowClan that she did in her father's clan. It was already enough having her entire family after her and she was not in the mood for more rivals. The she-cat was far too lazy to deal with two clans right now. Hawksong then wondered what exactly she WOULD do as an observer in ShadowClan. If he even escorted her like she asked.. and what if the leader didn't allow it? She knew it was probably not allowed but maybe all she really wanted was someone to talk to, even just for a little bit. And without conflict because she had been getting into a heap of trouble lately..