Pepper had taken a step back when he grabbed the glass and threw it against the wall. She gasped at the sound of glass shattering, her eyes were fixed on the wall wondering why he was so upset. He was fine just a moment ago and now he was freaking out. Returning her gaze back to him she crouched down to where they were eye level. "Tony talk to me, what's going on?" she asked, her voice unbelievably soft and filled with concern. Her eyes widened when she heard JARVIS mention New York. "Tony? Hey Tony!?" she called out when she felt herself get pushed back. He ran out of the room without a word and immediately she stood up and ran after him. Soon enough she caught up to him only to find him passed out on the floor, running over to him she rolled him onto his back placing her hand on his forehead. "Tony," she called only to get no response. "JARVIS is he alright? Do we need to call for help?" she asked knowing he was hesitant about seeing anyone. Still it seemed like he needed to see a doctor, there was something very wrong with him.