[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t31.0-8/1978453_1466449980238695_2115110298_o.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Vito Morgan Barbaro. [b]Alias:[/b] Capo [b]Age & Birthday:[/b] 19th December, 1995. (17.) [b]Appearance:[/b] 177 CM, 60 Kg. He's lean and fit. His build keeps him very agile. However, despite his rather thin build, he's trained to handle a punch or two. Green eyes, dark hair. He wears tank-tops, hoodies and ripped jeans. He looks like he'd be butt-poor, as he refuses to follow suit to what people would expect from him. [b]Abilities:[/b] Jack, with a side of squat. [b]Skills:[/b] Martial arts: Vito's being trained in Systema, the Russian style employed by the KGB. The greatest influence to his fighting style, however, is just regular street-fighting. The systema training does apply to his martial, but overall, it's all unpredictable street-fighting maneuvers he's picked up over the years. Acrobatics: Vito is very agile. Able to apply flips and gymnastics into his fighting. He's far from a master acrobat, though. Freerunning: Along with his agility, Vito is a good athlete and free-runner. Street Smart: Vito's got the know-how to get around the streets as one of your average thugs. He knows the names of everyone important and have connections in just about every crime gang in the city. Sense Of Business: You wouldn't expect it, but Vito has a great sense of opportunity. He knows what stocks are on the rise, for instance. He's great at seeing a opportunity and then seizing it. [b]Equipment:[/b] Butterfly knife. Switchblade knife, taser. He carries a slide that's attached to his right arm when 'in costume'. The slide will, when Vito twirls his wrist and pinkie send a switchblade into his hand. His costume consists of a hoodie, a bandanna on his forehead, and a rag over his face. He wears different shoes, replacing his converse with black sneakers. [b]Backstory:[/b] Born in Italy, his mother the daughter of one of Italy's greatest mobsters. Sancho De Grahm. Vito's father, William Barbaro was a small time thug back in America having ties to the russians, but when he had come with his pregnant fiance, Esmeralda, to Italy and met Esmeralda's father, William's life would change. William would learn everything about the world from Sancho. He had worked for his father-in-law for about a year when Vito was born. A healthy boy. His childhood was rather usual, he didn't notice his father and grandfather's work, and his mother was happy. But then, at the age of five, they decided to move back to the states. Vito spent most of his childhood in a nice apartment in Chicago. His father's job as a up and coming mobster paid them more than enough to keep comfortable. But Vito never fit into the rich-kid niche. He was still attending public school, despite his mother insisting on him going to a boarding school. He got into fights and he got into trouble. Of course, the teachers didn't dare to take any actual action towards the boy, as soon as they learn about who his father was. From the age of 12 to 15 he spent the summers in Italy, with his grandfather, Sancho teaching Vito about the old ways. The ways Sancho had grown up with. The ways he had taught William 20 years ago, and ways Vito's father had all but forgotten. And Vito spent the rest of the year in the Chicago, in and out of juvie. Vito's crime record at the age of 15 was longer than most adult thugs were. But thanks to his father's connections, the cops never could make something stick long enough for him to get tested as an adult. There was always someone else to take the fall for his crimes. But in Italy, Vito felt at home. His grandfather told him about honor and that being a mobster didn't just mean you carried a gun and hurt people, it also meant helping people. Helping your people. To take care of those who were yours. That the people in your territory would be safe. But most of all, that you never broke your word. “Your word is your bond, Vito” Sancho always told him. Vito would return to America a year ago, only to find that parts of his father's crew had gotten pinched, and they had to leave Chicago, as William had gotten a new contact in a city called Kilbride. Not exactly the most lovely of names.. Or cities. But for Vito, it was a adjustment. He was now the clean-cut kid who was slick with the words and always there to help others out. He was a member of three study-groups. One support group, and in just about every club the school have to offer. It was during his freshmen year Vito quit gymnastics and begun training Systema with a few of his father's Russian contacts. He sold drugs to the people involved, not a lot, and nothing more dangerous than pot. But he earned money, money he didn't need his father to provide him with. Than one day, last year, a senior ( for the third year in a row) ambushed him, bashing his skull against the wall behind the school for “selling him a bad joint”. Which of course Vito hadn't. He didn't even sell joints. He just sold the weed, and his weed was top-notch. It was 'borrowed' from the mob, after all. The thug humiliated him, and bruised both his body and pride. And there was one thing you didn't do to a Barbaro. You wouldn't dare to wound their pride. Else you'd pay. And so the thug, named Alex, did. Vito put fire to Alex's car, but not before having sex with Alex's junior girlfriend. Alex came after Vito, with a knife. Vito, thanks to his training could defend himself. He broke Alex's arm and jammed the knife into Alex's shoulder. Alex survived but was put into jail afterwards. William, Vito's father did of course catch wind of this, and much to the boy's surprise, who was expecting punishment, William endorsed Vito's actions, despite the fact that William had previously been against Vito's aggressive behavior. He praised Vito for leading a life of an ace-student in school, but also for not leaving any evidence behind. Vito decided to spend the summer in America, keeping up his practice of martial arts, and trying to get a foot into his dad's organization. And the more Vito learned that summer about his father, the more he resented it. His father had ever since he found out about Vito's fight with Alex, taken interest in the boy. Endorsed him to become just like his dad. A ruthless man who cared about nothing more but himself, and his legacy. But Vito doesn't wanna become like his father. Not truly, at least. Vito holds onto the ideals his grandfather lived by. Which is why he's now taking to the streets during the night, or whenever the opportunity arises, to mess up the local thugs of Kibride. I'll probably rewrite parts of the backstory. And I should probably alter the formating and god knows what else, but screw it, not now. And no, he still won't be played for a arc or two, at least, and even then, he'll be a side-character.