Nobody also shared this feeling of apprehension. Her frown deepened slightly, looking at Nubius and Dawnmist. "If Steel takes this the wrong way, it could mean war. Midizi is an excellent place to eventually target Frisk. I'm flattered you're trying to protect Carriers, but I'm pretty sure at least one of you is plotting a war as well. I'm not against war, but at the same time, as narrow-minded and stupid as Friskians can be, they are still people. Civvies have a tendency of getting in the way." Nobody was flat and blunt as usual, ignnoring the joke about Dim Sum. She personally didn't like it. She cast a withering look at the two reporters. Nobody didn't care whether someone was Carrier or human, if she did or didn't like someone, she did or didn't like someone. She refrained from mentioning how she had her own perosnal crusade against cyborgs, being a large part of the reason why they stayed in Frisk, for the most part. A few irritated sparks shot from her fingertips without her knowing, It was possible for Nobody to accidentally shoot sparks from happiness, too... however, that had yet to happen. These sparks were harmless if touched, and would simply cause a slight tingling in the area of contact.