[center][img]http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu272/shadowwolfcat13/SofiaSoleil_zps99697089.png[/img][/center] Birds playfully chirped their blissful tributes to the fine morning as the hour of dawn came upon the city. The sun was slowly climbing upwards from the horizon, much like a sleepy child, unwilling to get out of bed and go to school. Similar to the guardian of the day, many of the residents were enjoying these early moments leisurely. Either having breakfast at a relaxing pace or still strolling through their dreamworlds, the majority was resting peacefully, gathering strength for the hurdles of everyday life that were yet to come. Despite being a special one, today had a beginning like any other, which was not to be fretted over. It was, after all, only five in the morning. The rays of the firstlight shyly peaked from behind the lavender pink curtains of a room, which belonged to an average apartment, one of the many within the flats of the particular simple residential area. The said space had a calm atmosphere, a light sweet essence floating in the air. Sunlight illuminated the wooden desk in front of the window, not a single speck of dust atop it. Textbooks, notebooks and other study materials lay neatly ordered upon this piece of furniture, ready to be bidded goodbye and be placed in cardboard boxes, in order to be stored away for the future generations. On a chair by the desk was a lava-coloured tracksuit, whilst on a hanger on the [url=http://www.diy-enthusiasts.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/diy-coat-rack-ideas-handmade-wardrobe-holders.jpg]coatrack[/url] was a lovely floral dress, which had yellow buttons at the end of each strap. Both sets of clothing were properly ironed and set, waiting for their mistress to pick them up and put them to good use. Speaking of the little angel, the young lady was still asleep, curled up under the thin cover on her single bed, not flinching once. Her soft inhales and exhales were quieter than a needle falling in a room of sewing machines and were the only signs the girl was alive as she soundly slept, her head on a soft feather pillow. Tori, the welsh corgi owned by the family, was also in an imaginary world of his own while lying next to his owner’s arm, muzzle pressed next to her hand. Not a sound was made to disturb this oasis of serenity. Even the serenades of avians coming from the open window were mere echoes, distant reminders of the outside world. Everything remained perfectly still in harmony, apart from the gentle sunlight, which steadily crept inside, giving the interior a brighter tone. Yet it was not to last, for time waited for no one. With the carefree strumming of a guitar and the playful “da da da” of a soothing male voice, the song [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tl96jI4WBgg]“Take to the Sky” by Owl City[/url] began. The cheerful tune came from the white frost Samsung Galaxy S4, which slightly buzzed on the white maple surface of the bookcase headboard. Two bare arms stretched upwards, seemingly grasping thin air, as the human yawned simultaneously with her dog. Pushing herself to a sitting position, the girl rubbed her eyes and tossed away the sheet that had covered her. She was wearing a celeste sleeping gown with a white heart pattern, a rather short and fine dress that barely reached her knees. Getting out of bed without hesitation, she immediately put on her puce slippers and went to the bathroom, attempting to be as quiet as a mouse. Even if her footwork was not audible, however, it did not work as planned because of the simple fact that she brought along her phone, which had yet to stop playing the song. Thankfully, it did not truly matter whether or not she made this noise, for her mother was already up, smoking a cigar while drinking her morning coffee, and her father slept like a log, only a shake or a kick could wake him. After refreshing herself, the girl went to the kitchen and spoke with a sunny smile: [b]“Good morning, mum! How did you sleep? Any interesting dreams?”[/b] [b]“Oh, you’re already up, Sophie. Good morning.”[/b] the woman replied kindly with the same expression as her daughter. [b]“I slept well. No dreams, sadly. I guess I’m getting too old.”[/b] she chuckled [b]“Breakfast will be ready when you come back. Now hurry up, don’t make Tori impatient.”[/b] [b]“Alright, alright.”[/b] the youngster agreed and turned around, but continued speaking as she walked back to her room. [b]“What are we having today?”[/b] [b]“Pancakes.”[/b] her mother replied from her seat. [b]“Super!”[/b] [b]“Sophie.”[/b] [b]“Ops, sorry, sorry.”[/b] she giggled in apology. With Mr. Soleil working night shift he needed all the sleep he could get during the day, which limited his time with his family, but at least fed them. Despite knowing that he wouldn’t wake up from a simple burst of joy from their lively daughter, Mrs. Soleil wished to build in her child the habit of speaking with a low voice when someone else was sleeping, even when the said person was in another room. Ever since her husband had switched shifts a year ago the training was going well and she presumed it would take only a few more instances and remarks to set things right. Taking a sip from her cup, she finished her cigar and decided to get cooking. After all, she had to go to work after two hours and preparing a healthy meal was something she had taken upon herself and would continue doing until Sofie understood how to crack an egg and not make a mess. In another corner of the apartment, the young lady got dressed in her tracksuit, something she did not fancy wearing, but did so after figuring out this was the best she could possibly wear for her jog and P.E. However, she did not dislike the suit as much as the sneakers. The girl truly felt disgusted wearing that big pair of shoes that sometimes made her feet smell, yet necessities were necessities. Putting on as much deodorant as possible, she grabbed her phone and pink headphones and rushed to the antre. Tori sat patiently by the front door, waiting for his master with the leash in his mouth. [b]“Sorry for the wait, Tori.”[/b] Sofie said as if the short dog could understand her. Once she had reluctantly placed her feet in the running shoes and tied the shoelaces, she took her keys from the coatrack and called out “I’m going out.” [b]“Bye, bye.”[/b] her mother’s voice came from the kitchen. When the leash was securely connected to Tori’s harness, the two of them went out for morning exercise. [center][youtube]JhtuC_xUFHU[/youtube][/center] It was fortunate that there was a small park near the apartment complex the Soleils lived in. Every day when the weather was forgiving the only daughter of the family went out with her dog for a run. It kept her fit and drained a part of the small animal’s seemingly endless supply of energy. It was also the only time the harness was used, seeing as a collar could choke him, but the aforementioned could spoil him if used regularly, thus was only placed on him during training. What was not quite as pleasant was that this everyday occurrence took away any motivation for further physical labor during the rest of the day, unless it had something to do with shopping, hence her poor performance in P.E. It was truly a double-edged hobie, but if not done, Tori would destroy the house from boredom, not to mention make the bathroom smell awfully. The two early birds first took a stroll, in order for the canine to do his business, and then proceeded to making a couple of rounds on the long paths of the park. There had been rainfall during the night, judging by the puddles that had accumulated here and there. This made the dirt tracks unfavorable, despite typically being a better choice for the skeleton compared to solid concrete or pavement. Sofie was on her sixth run on her usual route when the music coming from the headphones on her ears briefly stopped, in order for there to be a quick ring, and then continued on wards. This made her halt in her tracks and take out the phone from her pocket and check what had happened. [b]“Oh, it’s 6 AM! Oh, wait, it’s the 21st?! It’s the summer solstice today! I almost forgot! Tori, why didn’t you remind me?!”[/b] she complained hopelessly and the only thing Tori did was tilt his head while his tongue stuck out as he breathed through his mouth. Indeed, that day, the 21st June, was a special one for Sofie Soleil. The astronomy club had decided to hold a gathering, in order to watch the solstice at ten minutes to seven in the morning. There wasn’t much a school club could do, so it wasn’t surprising that by “gathering” they meant to simply get together, laugh away some time and go to an amusement park. The only reason Sophie had joined this group in the first place was because they fitted her lazy style of doing things, but the main cause of her desire to be a part of them was the fact that the vice-president of the club was Morty Selwyn, a black-haired boy with blue eyes. He was from the same class and was her one-sided love ever since she entered junior high school. Helpful, charismatic and confident, every time they met butterflies would flutter in her stomach, but a rock would also get stuck in her throat, making her unable to speak properly. Never having had a boyfriend until that point, the girl was naturally shy and unsure of how or when to make the first step or if she should at all. Despite this helplessness, she pursued encounters with him and tried getting to know this person better. So far, her eyes became hearts the moment she saw him and couldn’t notice any bad traits. Realizing that she could miss this wonderful opportunity to spend time with her crush out of school, the 15-year-old swung herself into high gear and ran back home, the corgi barely managing to keep up. When she returned, the girl didn’t even give her mother an “I’m back”, but slammed the door, locked it and ran straight for the shower. Tori had the pleasure of slowly crawling to the kitchen where his water and food bowls were so he could have a drink and breakfast, whilst his mistress multitasked to the extreme. The poor pup hadn’t even finished licking his dish clean when Sophie consumed her pancake. Hair clean and dry, floral dress on, sunglasses on, headphones in the bag, phone too, purse, notebook, lucky charm, hairpins, eyeliner, handkerchiefs, flashlight, etc. Check, check, check. Everything was ready in the span of fifteen minutes. [b]“Alright! I’m going out again!”[/b] Sofie announced as she put her dirty dishes in the sink. [b]“Alright. Have fun.”[/b] her mother told her as she got up after getting the harness off of Tori and putting on his collar. It was a sunny day, with only a few white clouds floating in the sky, yet the student decided to take the bus to the meeting place. It was already getting rather hot, not to mention Tori no longer had the energy to bolt forward with her and she needed to get there fast. Thus taking public transport was for the best. She bought herself a ticket and had a doggy card that allowed her pet to ride with her. Once on the bus, Sophie frantically looked at her phone, worrying that she would be later. It was then that she noticed that she had a new message, one which had arrived at exactly 6 AM. This certainly explained the sudden stop of music. The contents of the message puzzled her, but when she opened the app, which miraculously installed itself, the lass felt like she was in heaven. Fancy beautiful keys and all of them were free! She couldn’t pick just one, yet the requirements were such. The words from the unknown sender were now forgotten as she drooled over the wonderful artworks. She had seen these kinds of items being sold at relatively high prices, but her mother never allowed her to buy one, stating that it was a completely useless accessory that would bore her after the first day. The girl could care less about her future self and longed for a chance to get her hands on one of those decorative keys. Now one was being presented to her. [i]‘Ah, my guardian angel heard me~’[/i] she cried from joy in her mind. [i]‘Now, which one to- OH NO! MY STOP!’[/i] With the halt of the bus all was forgotten again. Sophie closed the app, put her phone away and jumped out of her seat, the corgi in her arms. If Tori had not gotten movesick or bussick by now, he was certainly getting hugsick. [b]“Good morning, Sophie.”[/b] a tall girl with long black hair greeted her. [b]“Took you long enough. We’ve been waiting, you know.”[/b] another shorter girl complained, green strands shining here and there between her brown hair. These were two of Sofie’s best friends, Linda and Kathie. Despite not being from the astronomy club, the first being in the cooking club and the second - in the athletic club, they came along for support. They did not stand out either, seeing as they knew the rest of the club members well and were either acquaintances or friends with most of them. They were honorary members, so to speak. However, one person from the usual quartet was missing. [b]“Good morning, everyone.”[/b] Sofie greeted them with a smile. [b]“Where’s Megan?”[/b] [b]“That girl will never wake up early on a Saturday morning.”[/b] Linda sighed. [b]“She’ll join us later at the amusement park.”[/b] [b]“I would have done the same, if I didn’t want to see things through. So, what’s the plan?”[/b] Kathie smiled deviously. [b]“Plan?”[/b] Sofie questioned [b]“You’re going to do it today, right? Should we hint at the others to scram or should I just push them out of the way?”[/b] [b]“What?! No, no, no, no, no. I’m not gonna do it!”[/b] [b]“Oh, come on. What’s the hold up? You better hurry up or someone else will take that cupcake.”[/b] [b]“You’re no better, Kathie. Why haven’t you made your move on Markus?”[/b] Linda stepped in. [b]“I-I’m still testing him! That guy hasn’t given me enough proof that he’s worth my time.”[/b] Kathie protested. [b]“How about we just go meet up with everyone else?”[/b] Sofie suggested. The three girls had met up in front of a fountain near their school, where the rest of the group was. Once they were all gathered, they went to the rooftop where they drank sodas, discussed theories about different dimensions and enjoyed the view. Just as promised, at 6:51 AM was the summer solstice and everyone took a picture with their cellphones, both of the sun and of themselves. That was the end of subject-related club activities. Next on the list were club activities related to physics, such as discovering how light bent in the drops of a water roller coaster, how fast a spinning wheel could go and how the structure of ice-cream changed in high temperatures. A normal day out for a bunch of students in the heat of the first summer day. Albeit they were enjoying freedom together from seven in the morning until three in the afternoon, Sofie did not dare to utter a word connected to love or confessions. She would laugh at Morty’s jokes, went with him on every ride he chose, but remained in the friend zone, which he apparently had no intention of leaving. Linda, Kathie and some of the members who knew about this unrequired love tried helping out by intentionally leaving them behind, but nothing worked and the button-lover sulked from three to six in the afternoon on a shopping trip with her besties, now joined by Megan. In her downcast state she ended up buying a skirt, a cute T-shirt and four boxes of buttons. Thankfully she got over it, but her financial state was already in the red by the time it was over. By the time they got home, both beings were exhausted. Tori only needed to have a drink and his dinner before falling asleep on the youngster’s bed, while Sophie chatted online and frolliced in the Internet until half past ten before brushing her teeth and hitting the hay. It had been an emotional day near the end of June. [center][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/d151d838747abe5a1abc7b1001f84e56/tumblr_mw2elmGuKW1s6bdkzo2_500.gif[/img][/center] The jolly tune of “Take to the sky” sounded through the room once more, yet it was not the same as before. The light which entered from outside was faint and barely illuminated the contents within. [b]“It’s raining.”[/b] the girl remarked as she looked through the window. [b]“Seems like there’ll be no jogging today.”[/b] she said while looking at Tori, who yawned in return. Sophie had woken up later than usual, but it was not an uncommon event. Rainy weather always had a bad effect on her, thus she disliked it. Everything would become gloomy and you couldn’t go out. It was good when it rained in the evening or in the morning, since most people were at home, but a short hard downpour in the middle of the day, such as the one that had happened yesterday whilst the gang was still shopping, was not to a lady’s taste. Hairstyles and makeup would become ruined, not to mention shoes would get wet. To top it off, it wasn’t rare for Internet and phone signals to get lost. Raindrops were beautiful, but thunder and lightning ofttimes scared her. That is why she did her best to ignore storms by distracting herself, which would happen naturally even if she wasn’t doing it on purpose. When the song ended, Sofie picked up her phone to turn the alarm off, but when she unlocked it and saw the Key Shop icon, as well as a new message notification, she suddenly remembered the accessory site from yesterday. Smiling joyfully, she flumped back into bed and started scrolling through the app. To her surprise, the lovely “Que Sera Sera” key was no longer in stock, nor was the “Titan Guard”. Frowning, the child accused herself of being so forgetful, but continued browsing. None of the remaining keys looked that appealing, except for one, which had a lovely angel wing for a keychain. It was the one she decided to buy, seeing as her mother would probably accuse her less if the item looked more modern or would simply not spot it, due to the fact it wasn’t overly decorated. Tapping once, the girl made her purchase. This deed now done, she got up and headed for the bathroom. She hadn’t even crossed half of the distance when there was a ring at the door. [b]“I’ll get it!”[/b] she quickly called and ran for the door, stopping for a second to look herself in the mirror and fix her hair a bit. The fact that she wore only a sleeping gown didn’t bother the lass the least. Upon opening the door there was no one to be found on the other side. Locking it, she turned around and looked at Tori, who had come to check what the fuss was about. [b]“Strange.”[/b] she commented. Letting out a sigh, Sophie continued to the bathroom, wondering who could have played a prank so early in the morning. After finishing up, she bid her mother good day and returned to her room, since breakfast needed only ten more minutes to get ready. Lightning struck and the thunder startled her. Out of fright, she spit in her chest and let out a complaint: [b]“Uhhh, I don’t like this at all. So scary.”[/b] The surprises would keep piling up, for a cardboard box now lay atop her bed. Despite knowing about how her air-headedness could reach ultimate levels, Sophie swore it had not been there before, nor had she heard her mother’s footsteps. Stepping cautiously and then with just as much care opening it, she discovered it was not a Jack-in-a-box, but the key she had ordered. [b]“Woah! Amazing!”[/b] she exclaimed in surprise and hurriedly rampaged the contents. What she found was a little metal box for the key, the item itself and it’s keychain, as well as a sheet with instructions. [b]“5. To link up the key with your phone or Ipod, simply get them close to each other.”[/b] she read aloud and then looked at Tori. [b]“Sounds easy enough.”[/b] Brimming with excitement, the young girl took her phone and got ready to take a picture and send it to her friends. Meanwhile, something was loading... [center][img]http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu272/shadowwolfcat13/newcreate11_zpse7ac90ef.png[/img][/center]