[Hider=IC explanation] I'm not crazy. I know what they say and I know that that's why they put me and the others in here, but we're not insane. There's really something different about us, we're special. We are gifted, we have superpowers. They call us insane, say that superpowers only exist in comics books and movies, but we know better. We have discovered our powers on our own, saw them, used them, each single one of us did. We're not living in our own little fantasy worlds, seeing and hearing things that aren't real. It's all real, but they just won't believe it and put us here, in an asylum. And we can't prove them wrong. Our powers don't work in here. Something, or someone, in this place, is blocking our superpowers. So in here, we're just a bunch of heroes and villains without powers. We're stuck in this place, but we need to get out. We can't stay in here, we need to escape, to break free from this place. I don't know how we can get away from here, but we just have to. Before we really go insane.[/hider] [Hider=OOC explanation] In this rp, you'll be rping a character with superpowers, who may be a hero, villain or neutral, whichever you prefer. Because of their claims of having superpowers, people consider your character insane and as a result, they are now in an asylum. Your goal will be to escape from the asylum with the other characters, a task made more difficult thanks to the guards, and the fact that as long as you're in the asylum, your character's powers are dampened, which also makes it harder for your character to prove that they're not insane.[/hider] [hider=Rules] -CaptBoobgrab is Co GM of the rp. -Each character can only have one superpower, not more. This also means that if you can control fire, you can't control the other three elements as well. -Please try to keep things a little varied. You can pick any superpower you want, but I don't want to end up with all characters having the same superpowers. -Please just don't overpower your character. Even if you have a strong superpower, than that still doesn't mean you can beat everyone and everything. -As long as you're in the asylum, your superpower doesn't work. No exceptions. -No god modding and mary sues. -A little violence and gore is fine, but keep it to a minimum. -Please rp any sexual scenes through pm. -If you want to quit or can't reply for a while, let us know. -You can have a maximum amount of three characters. -When you've posted something, wait until everyone else has replied as well before posting again.[/hider] [hider=Character sheet] Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Superpower: Biography: Other:[/hider] We're hoping for at least five more people before we start the rp. (Note: please wait with posting your cs until the ooc thread is up and post it there.)