'Ello Captain :D Well, Idk about you, but if I had super strength or something, I'd prove I have it and throw a tree before even being taken to the insane asylum, haha. I wouldn't just "claim" I have superpowers--I'd prove it (if I decided to bring attention to it to begin with that is, and what superhero or villain does [i]that[/i]?). Then let's say I prove I have powers and they a) still don't believe me for whatever reason or b) are scared of me and lock me up anyway--they'd have to be pretty powerful themselves and/or have the technology to subdue someone who can throw trees around. Then once I'm actually in the facility, why is there someone or something blocking my powers that supposedly don't exist? And this why I asked if you guys were keeping some of the plot secret. I have a few ideas that could justify all that, but I'll keep my mouth shut. uwu