So this is pretty much the basis for everything you need to know, the map isn't quite done yet and im not even sure the stat of it yet but i will get on that as soon as possible. I was also going to add a lot more to this but after sitting for a few days and trying I realized there's not much at the present moment that can really be done so if there's any kinks I guess they'll just have to work themselves out. Name: Limner Setting: Empire of Iman (see General Map for terrain details) The basis of this story goes as thus: Our Empire is in shambles, the Emperor is somewhere high in his fort watching the chaos unfold in front of him like a chess match, as if calculating his next move. War has befallen his people, and the threats he has faced in the past are nothing compared to the fear the people of his beautiful empire will feel in only a few short weeks. He fears what will become of his beloved people. His whole life he's strove toward peace and prosperity that this country deserved for far too long, he wanted to be a better ruler than his father was ever. Emperor's POV: Emperor Donavis sat in his empty throne room in Capital contemplating what to do about recent events, the Kingdom of Suris was gaining influence within his own council. The war had spread faster than he had ever expected. King Sulan and his army of some of the best Scribes in the world had taken Phanus and Drakos within the first few days of the War. In his grandfathers time, Scribes had been a powerful asset to the empire of Iman, though as time progressed more and more people began to sway to the side of the Kingdom of Suris. In his last attempt to free his people and claim what was always his, the Emperor called together a team of the best Scribes still loyal to the Empire and they began forging artifacts for the art of war. Legends of the Scribes came to the Emperors side, they went to work almost immediately venturing into the darkest parts of Jantur. All his attempt at human-animal hybrids had failed miserably, sometimes he awoke at night hearing the screams of the soldiers down the hall being tested on, sometimes he laughed, other times he wept. His huge world is caving in around him and this time he fears he may not be strong enough to support it. Donavis' biggest fear is to watch his Empire burn, everything he's worked so hard for, destroyed, and he will stop at nothing to unify his people. King Suris POV: As a boy king Suris watched as his people starved, and died in the streets. Free willed, intelligent people couldn't scrape enough together to feed themselves let alone there children. He would look up to his father and ask him on days when the people were suffering the most, 'What is this all for? Why do they endure this?' and his father would look at him with such passion and simply smile, giving him a little pat on the shoulder with his rough warrior hands. One day after many years, the king after he had come home from a long campaign, he found the boy refusing to eat his dinner, the king would ask 'What is it that has my Prince so down? Why will you not eat my boy?' and the prince looked his father and said 'I will not eat while they die in the streets!' His father laughed a deep genuine laugh 'The fire in this boy!' he said looking to his head of military Chek. 'Im going to answer the question you asked me as a child after your mother died and we would walk together in her gardens down in the city.' he said a tear nearly welling in his eye. 'They die for there freedom, because they know that here they can be who they want to be, live the life's they want to live.' After that Suris stormed out of the room. Those were the last words he ever heard from his father.RP Name: Depths of Jantur King Suris is 19 now, a young king, he gathers together the best Scribes in the world and wages his first war, against the Emperor. When he hears news of the Emperors new weapons he gathers a team together himself and begins creating weapons for war on a mass scale. What side do you chose? Fight along side the King and free the world from its captors? Or work with the Emperor to unite the people once again. The choice is yours. Magic System: The Magic's name in this RP is Jantur, its a science of using runes to do many things from farming to war. The only limitations I want to have on Jantur is that all energy comes from somewhere. So if you want to cast a fireball you'd have to use something to fuel the flame of that fireball, or if you wanted to imprison someone in stone you might lose half of the stone just moving the rock. Anything goes, if you can figure out a way to disassemble something and make it into something else, its fair game. Also body modification is possible the only side affect is your left like that for good, there's no transformation (except for those working with King Suris and even then your whole body will be covered in runes, something you're not likely to survive). Chimeras are present on the Emperors side, though mostly in animal form and a few human animal hybrids, these more often than not turn out to be mindless bloodthirsty beasts. An average Scribe should be able to absorb a mass 2x equivalent to there own. (143 lbs/ft² caster [Mass of Average Human] equals 286lbs/ft² of mass to manipulate.) For instance, If you absorb a stone and deposite the resulting essence into your pool, you should be able to produce two stones of half the size, or one stone, twice the size but less dense. Alternatively, the object does not need to be a stone. The general conversion of Ethereal Essence allows you to transform that pseudo-matter into anything from a stone, to a bolt of fire, to flesh. Most scribes, however, have a specialty which they practice in, allowing them to use certain types of matter or essence more efficiently. Take for example, a standard medic. While they can cast a fireball out of their pool, they’ll be unused to it. They can’t produce a fireball effortlessly without a loss, or some sort of drawback. However, they would be able to produce magically created flesh to heal a wound, or antitoxins with no drawbacks, because it’s their specialty. Vice-versa, a fire mage could cast a fireball like it was child’s play, but would struggle to heal basic cuts. All magic is cast through inscriptions, or magically imbued runic symbols which modify reality based on the changes they represent. The inscriptions can be as basic as ‘Create stone’, where upon the corresponding essence is drawn from the Scribe’s pool to create a simple stone.The inscriptions can also be something more complex, such as ‘Fissure the earth’ which would take the mass in a Scribe’s essence pool, convert it to energy, and then split the soil and rock in a specified direction. The inscriptions can be placed on weapons to augment them in combat, as opposed to pure casting. A greatsword that is inscribed with ‘Fissure the earth’ may, when dug into the ground, create a sizeable crack beneath an opponents feat. The specifics, however, can be modified. ‘Fissure the earth’ would normally use energy to crack the rocks in a fissure formation, but if the inscription were modified to take the air above the target, and direct it sharply into the ground, then that would apply to the magic as well as the essence cost and conditioning. This particular variation would not work in an underwater combat scenario where air is limited. Essence and inscriptions are both ultimately unique to their casters and have their own signatures. Some are more subtly than others, but they are always different. The properties of Essence Interaction allow essence to convert energy and matter (And other essence) into essence of the same type. If someone takes raw essence, and creates it, presses it to a stone, that stone is burned into essence. This is how essence is absorbed. This effect does not work on organic matter which belongs to fully sentient and free-willed creatures. The races listed are immune from being absorbed. Other organic matter, such as plants or animals which have lesser life forces, aren’t immune but are considerably resistant, and would take an immense amount of time and effort to get anything useful out of. Additionally, all essence has a strength gauge which is rated on a scale from A1 to Z10. Z10 is the weakest, and A1 is the strongest. Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 [A 1-10 | J 1-10 | S 1-10 B 1-10 | K 1-10 | T 1-10 C 1-10 | L 1-10 | U 1-10 D 1-10 | M 1-10 | V 1-10 E 1-10 | N 1-10 | W 1-10 F 1-10 | O 1-10 | X 1-10 G 1-10] | P 1-10 | Y 1-10 H 1-10 | Q 1-10 | Z 1-10 I 1-10 | R 1-10 | Null 0 The average person with an untapped pool and no magical capabilities sits on Z10 or Null. The average beginner scribe begins at Y10, having only discovered their powers. Once a scribe completes S1 Trials, they rank from Tier 3 to Tier 2. As their essence’s strength increases, they are qualified to be a master scribe at J1. Many cap out in power early, and cannot grow beyond K1, and exceptional scribes cap at H1. Beyond that lies the Limners. Limners are the Elite of those who use Jantur. It is at this stage where growth of power becomes exponentially eclipsing to lower ranks. It is estimated a G10 Limner can subdue and defeat several H1 Scribes. The power gap becomes immense, and the capabilities of these casters are apex. Many Limners have a style or technique which is what defines their skill. No Limner has ever been seen or heard of beyond the D1 mark. Rankings of Essence Interaction help determine a scribe’s tier and class. While tests are speculative and the results tend to vary, it appears that approximately 20 classes (1-10 segments) are needed to taint or infect another Scribe’s essence. Contact in the same method made to absorb objects for essence will determine the power difference in essence, and if one can overpower the other. Once the stronger essence has entered the weaker individual’s pool it slowly begins to convert the weaker essence into the stronger form. However, this makes the newly converted essence unusable to the weaker person in the equation. It drains their pool, from whereupon further casting would begin to drain their life force, as a catalyst to fuel spells. The superior essence can then be manipulated in or out of the victim’s body, to act as fuel for more spells for the stronger individual, or to harm the body of the victim from the inside out. While the conversion process takes some time, it is an incredibly powerful method of assassination. It is often considered dishonorable to use a technique. Classes: Any Magics you're using in the RP should end in the suffix -tur. For example the name of the Jantur that has to do with ice is Ice-tur. Fire-tur. So on and so forth, just for clarification purposes. There are many many forms of Jantur, some people have even been know to combine various kinds into a new, though unstable, form and even then you would have to be extremely powerful to combine more than two. The style of Jantur a person uses really reflects them as a person. Over the years of using these magics, the Jantur has become a part of them, some even see it as an addiction a scar on the face of society. So this in mind, mixing two completely opposite Jantur forms with each other will have some wicked effects on the Chars mind. New forms of Jantur are sprouting up everywhere since the King declared war and the amount of Jantur users grows each day. Creatures and Races: Racial populace is as follows: Human Elf Dwarf Halfling Dark Elf Chimera Races can be implemented, so long as they’re approved by KageTheKiller. Bonuses / Racial Requisites: Humans have a particular affinity for being able to store and absorb more ethereal essence. They do so more efficiently making them fierce opponents in combat, or particularly skilled in their trade professions. Elves, while more in tune with nature, are able to produce essence that has exceptionally catalytic properties. Meaning to say that with their essence, less is more. Dwarves, being the stout earthly fellows they are, are a little more out of touch with their magical side. They’re sturdy, and have a mild resistance to some of the more pure magical effects this way. Halflings have a mysterious sort of aura about them, from which they produce essence that can only be used on metallic substances. This, coupled with their size, makes them good assassins. Dark Elves, like their elven brethren are able to manipulate essence to their advantage. Particularly in forms of shadow and dark magic. Experienced Dark Elf Scribes have even been known to sap protons to convert light into darkness, and take the resulting energy and turn it into essence. Chimeras: These are only found on the Emperor's side, or if you'd like to be shunned by the world then go ahead. There extremely hard to make and many Scribes have burned up in there attempts. They are the combination of two to at the most 4 animals. Humans are not cannot become Chimeras if that wasn't already made clear, on the kings side there are Writers, his personal warriors, who can do some pretty amazing things look into that if you feel like you'd like to do a human hybrid, or a whatever hybrid. In addition there are many towns that I'm leaving totally open for peoples imaginations. Anyone is welcome XD.