[quote]If any Religious person is reading this, please answer this question: If you found out your God didn't exist, would you now go out raping and murdering people? If not then you just proved that you don't need Religion to be a moral human being.[/quote] Of course (waiting for someone to show up and shout about how you're more likely to rape and murder because god said so -- that'll be my cue to leave). Since this thread exists and it's sort of an opportune moment, and it's been bugging me..... What does atheism do to serve the betterment of immoral people? What I mean is, if you go to a catholic confession, the priest listens to what you did and gives you advice (I think, never been), and then tells you how to pay your penance and be forgiven. If you drink too much, the church is capable of saying 'Hey buddy, you're drinking too much and we're going to help you get over that.' The depiction presented in the media, at least, is that when the atheist hero encounters a piece of shit, you're supposed to shrug and say 'Well he's a piece of shit,' and leave him to his devices. I don't actually know the answer to the question and I'm not trying to lead you anywhere with it, just asking..... What does atheism do for the piece of shit? I know it's super for decent people.