[quote=ratites] [b]@ Damon & Imperfectionist[/b] Yes, I can see how the character has Slytherin-like qualities, but as it's Damon's character it's up to him. I definitely don't think that house sorting is a black-and-white thing. I like the idea of mixing it up a little, a more Syltherin-like person on the fringes of Gryffindor, for instance. [/quote] :) Yes, it could definitely be interesting. Similar, of course, to the Hermione-would-have-been-a-good-Ravenclaw thing. The Sorting is focused on other areas of his personality that push him enough in the Gryffindor direction that with a little prodding from Adele, the Hat would agree to it. Anyway, what say you about my providing more teachers, to fill the school up? I already have several lessons planned, for several of the subjects...