Argurios slowly walked through the town. His bow was strapped to his back, quiver of arrows on his belt. In his hand, was his father’s sling, a stone in the socket. In his left hand he held a couple of large round stones. Although the bow was a good weapon, the bow Argurios made was of quality not worth mentioning. Also Argurioss skill with a bow was nothing compared to his skill with a sling. He felt safer with his father sling in his hand. For some reason he could feel like the spirit of his father was within him, in his slinging hand. Slowly he became more aware of the growing hunger in his belly. At first he tried to ignore it, but then he remembered his father’s word. “Hunger and sleep. Those two are the most important things to any man. Your energy comes from the food you eat and the hours you rest. If there’s a need for either of them, try to fill it as soon as possible.” Argurios nodded in agreement of his father’s words. He looked around. Slowly he moved to the first doors he found. Silently he sneaks in. The house was strange and alien to him, but it didn’t took him long to find some food. He took a sack and filled it with dried meat, cheese and oats. Knotting the sack to his side, he took an apple and began to eat it. Again, slowly he moved outside. In the distance he could see small faint light coming from one of the houses. ‘Maybe that’s where everyone is’ He thought to himself. He began walking towards it, though he did quicken the pace, he was still careful and ready to kill anything that seemed weird. Moment later he heard aloud slam from the direction he was heading in. Fear gripped him, maybe one of the villagers was in need of help. Beginning to spin the sling, he trotted towards the house. AS he came close he thought he saw someone move to his right, but Argurios didn’t care, he was couple of feet away from the door. Throwing himself forward, he hit the doors, but because the doors were well built he just crashed into them and slumped down in front of them. “Agh! Dammit, that was a stupid idea.” He cursed aloud. Again he quickly stood up, opened the doors and entered. In his right hand was his sling, but the am was dangling like dead meat. With his left hand he was holding his right shoulder.