Akira managed to sleep right through until morning, relatively undisturbed. The best nights sleep he'd had in a long time, despite its un-comfortable location. As he wakes he raises his head slowly his eyes still heavy as he catches a glimpse of Allura shuffling passed him. He shifts his body so that he's sitting up straight and stretches out his arms and legs loosening up his tense muscles "Time to rise I guess" He mumbles out with a yawn as he pushes himself up to his feet. He stares at the doorway, he did not crave what awaited him on the other side, questions, explanations, stories, and for what? They wouldn't be here long what point was there for chit-chat? A sigh escapes him as it appeared Allura was not coming back any time soon. He approaches the doorway about to step out into the hall until he hears Allura and the woman talking bringing him to a stop. He listens intently to the exchange of words allowing a few moments to pass before sighing once more and stepping out into the room. The smell of cooked food was dominating the air and he was surprised it had escaped him until now. Too eager to ignore his surroundings then embrace them it would seem. His thoughts circled around in his mind and he almost completely missed being addressed by the old woman. His gaze stops on Allura and he passes her a smile before heading towards the table. He remains silent until he reaches it. "It's their fear you know?" Akira breaks his own silence with the evidence he was eavesdropping. "Their fear of the unknown is what drives them to hating his kind. Although the majority do no favours for the minorities that include your husband." He looks to Allura as he takes a seat at the table "Angels however, they're the mythical doers of good. If the populous knew that they were real, well then there would be chaos." He smiles softly to her once more. "Though of course not the same kind of chaos that is seen to be brought by my kind." Akira makes a start on his food before looking over to the woman "As much as it probably won't joy you to hear this, we won't be able to stay long, we've got important business that must be attended to. However whilst we're here I'd be grateful if you could point me in the right direction of a competent smithy. If you're willing to share the information we need so that we don't wonder around aimlessly, then I suppose there's no harm in given you information about us. However, I will not compromise myself, if you ask the wrong questions then I'm afraid I'll have to refuse your answer." His outlook on being cooperative still hadn't changed even after hearing the woman's story but this was as much for her protection as it was their own, for knowledge would always serve as a reason for bloodshed.