[quote] If you found out your God didn't exist, would you now go out raping and murdering people? If not then you just proved that you don't need Religion to be a moral human being. [/quote] The question is biased to begin with, because it says nothing of the history of "you". Here's a better one: If, in your life, there were no authority figures or peers of any sort who exposed you to the idea that certain actions harm others and that those actions are therefore bad, would you, as a rational adult, be able to assign that negative quality to those actions on your own? To put it much more simply: is morality inherent, or learned from others, who in turn learned it from those before (EDIT: or even a mix of both?!)? And that has been [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nature_versus_nurture]discussed[/url], experimented on and argued about for goodly while. As a corollary, if a person lived in a social vaccuum for their entire life, meaning without contact from any other person, creature or object that they could form a sentimental bond with, and was at some point thrust suddenly into modern society, how many of our social interactions would they be able to instinctively adopt? Would they be a vegetable, would they be so disconnected they cannot even learn the fundaments of language? [i]Would they have developed personal morality?[/i] EDIT: [quote=So Boerd] As a point of general information, when I refer to "Science" in a religion debate, I don't mean what we typically call science. I mean the Holy Apostolic Ecumenical Church of Science, populated with all sorts of people who have generally rejected religion and replaced it with any number of causes, like anti-GMO, anti-"toxins", the evil of gluten, juice-cleanses, etc. Ask a Catholic priest how he feels about people who are in favor of gay marriage. Ask one of the people I described how they feel about people who are against it. Compare their hatred of the other side. [/quote] What it sounds like you're talking about, Boerd, is "people being assholes". :) And that transcends all faiths and traditions. EDIT 2: I'm not standing up for assholes who see such causes as reasons to hate and scorn, being generally against both things, BUT gay marriage is a bad example. Equality is pretty inalienable (unless you forfeit it by committing provable crimes), and because LGBTQ people have not inherently done anything to harm others, there is no reason to restrict the benefits of the legal process of marriage to said people. The Catholic Priest in this situation doesn't have to officiate for them if he doesn't want to (and should not be scorned and decried for such a choice), but if he [i]actively[/i] campaigns for those benefits to be kept out of the hands of that group, he is [i]actively[/i] being harmful...