Not dead yet, not dead yet! The line repeated itself in Tommy's head, over and over again like a feverish mantra. His battle plans, tactics and strategies, his enemies movements and where to shoot, the cries of the wounded and Silvertongues incessant nagging. All this thoughts and distractions flew through his head, but behind it all, like a niggling worm buried in his skull was 'Not dead yet, not dead yet'. His allies had appeared quickly after the action had kicked off, like magic really. Maybe one of the other new guys was a caster of some sort. Volt's vision was back to normal now, so he could see that the two hostages had already been extracted. That was a good, he'd been unable to use any of his more 'unfriendly' powers, like a blanket shock, in fear of hurting them. Now he couldn't use them in case he fried any of his teammates, but at least they could take care of themselves. Somehow the Lightning-Slinger had managed to take down Boomer and Burnout before the fight had even started in earnest, good luck in all honesty, but now the other meta villains had scattered. Sarin had turned to gas, chasing Sonja across the hall, and Bouncer was in the process of trying to break Wenchang's skull open with her feet. That only left Shank. . . The tell-tale sound of a teleporter's power being used sounded as if on cue, coming from right behind Volt. [I] That can't be a good sign.[b] God, I hate teleporters! [/b] [/i]The Lightning-Slinger spun to his left, his enhanced speed and amazing reflex's meaning that Shank's knife hardly brushed against him, the rest of the damage being negated by his toughened flesh. Still, he managed to rip my jumpsuit, mores the pity. These things don't grow on tree's after all. Shank barely had time to blink before Volt had grabbed a hold of his knife-wielding wrist in a vice like grasp, squeezing a little to hard for the villain to be comfortable. The teleporter struggled to pull his hand free, but it was fruitless against Volt's super-strength. Might as well have been wrestling a python. Shank began to panic, his common sense flying out the window. He didn't even have the wherewithal to try and teleport away, not that it woulda done him much good seeing as Volt was stuck to him like a limpet now, instead trying to beat at the Lighting-Slinger with his free hand. "YOU AIN'T NO PIZZA-BOY!" Cried the helpless teleporter, spittle flying from his mouth. Volt grinned in return. "Shocking, isn't it?" he replied, as his arm light up with a dozen dancing arks of electricity, getting ready to let Shank feel what its like to be tasered.