[img]http://i.imgur.com/2uDBgEK.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/8mPMSWF.png[/img] [u][b]Tagress: Guild[/b][/u] “Why a chicken was invited in a band…?” Estelle repeated after finishing the last of her food and skidding her chair backwards along the floor as she stood up with the rest of her entourage, everyone preparing to head out for their picnic. She looked towards Lucien with a blank stare, awaiting the answer to his joke. “I dunno! Why?” A wry smile cracked Lucien’s lips. “Because he had the drumsticks!” Silence reigned in the Guild, before Marcus started chortling. Some of the others groaned, whilst Nikki laughed hysterically. Estelle just blinked in confusion. “I don’t get it.” “Hehehe…” Lucien giggled, readying yet another salvo of terrible jokes to entertain everyone on their picnic trip. [img]http://i.imgur.com/Hls1DIr.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Cn93Ts6.png[/img] “Excuse us, guys, me and Juju are just going to break away for a bit and get some stuff. That okay?” Asked Celeste, winking before suddenly breaking off for her room. Julius sighed, bowing politely before everyone and then following after the rambunctious girl. Selan and Marcus watched after them disappear. Two new, relative strangers, who had joined their family suddenly. Julius was all but an enigma, and Celeste’s arrival had been sudden and intrusive. Neither were quite sure what to make of them… but Estelle had bonded with Celeste to a peculiar extent in their hospital stay. For some reason, the two of them were able to speak to one another fairly easily… a benefit of the two girls being outgoing and lively. Estelle waved them off, all smiles as she and the rest of the Pride waited for Dylan, Moira and Syed to return. But then half an hour later… Julius returned, to say that they would have to miss going out on a picnic with the Pride. Something had suddenly come up, which demanded their attention… they would catch up with everyone else at the picnic later. First Don and Trent… now Julius and Celeste… Hopefully no one else would suddenly need to leave… [img]http://i.imgur.com/FDEt0pt.png[/img] “Guys come oonnnnn let’s gooooo!!” Nikki wailed, grabbing Trixie and Lucien’s wrists and yanking the two Guilders forwards. “I wanna go out and enjoy the sunshine and eat a picnic with you all~” “Yeah!” Estelle fistpumped, yanking Amy out of her seat too. “Let’s go!!” --- [img]http://i.imgur.com/QLodCtj.png[/img] [u][b]Tagress: Docks[/b][/u] The sound of seagulls cawing droned on and on and on, the surface of the rippling sea reflecting the beauty of the bright sun hanging overhead. Sitting on the cobblestone floor, his back against the brick wall of one of the many warehouses located in the Tagress docks, Don continued to lazily stare at nothing as smoke wafted from his cigarette up into the sky. He watched the sailors and longshoremen frantically work the day away. Unloading and uploading new shipment after shipment of goods imported from, and importing to the nearby countries of Aestar and Landoria and exotic delights from further countries such as Exandria, the docks were a hub of multiple delights. All of which were currently lost on Don. Even though he watched these things happen, he didn’t really process any of it. At least, not until… “Hey, buddy, you okay?” Don was snapped out of his furlong gaze by a man towering above him. A broad, muscular man, drenched in sweat and garbed in a bandana and striped vest, carried a mass of timber over one shoulder. He held obvious concern for Don, but as soon as the depressed man looked up, the sailor exuded a bright, genial smile. “You look kind of glum, fella. Is there anything I can do to help? Let ol’Tobor guess, he’s seen many men look like you before… a woman’s broken your heart, am I right? Buddy… if you need any help… need to just get away from things for a while, then… there’s a free spot on our ship. Our captain’s always looking to recruit hardy men like you. Well, minus the funky hairdo…” “Whaddya say? Get away from it all for a bit… join me on the seas and work a bit? It’ll definitely keep your mind away from whatever thoughts are eating you up!” [img]http://i.imgur.com/zyPF4WJ.png[/img]