Alphamon had kept herself from saying anything to the Sovereigns. As much as she wanted to express her grievance about the Sovereigns’ lack of action, she felt that it wasn’t her place, not when her selfish motives were the ones that kickstarted the fall and subsequent corruption of the Royal Knights. She had expected most of the Knights to be loyal to Yggdrasil, so the knowledge that some of them were loyal to her stunned the Knight of the Empty Seat and left her wondering about what other assumptions she had guess incorrectly and how big of an impact her selfish decisions had caused. While she finally found what she was looking for in her solo quest and subsequent ‘birth’ of Dorumon, she had badly neglected her duties as a Royal Knight in her absence and now many had paid the price of her negligence. To her, it was the final straw to her pride as a Royal Knight and she now saw herself unfit to lead anymore, at least not at her current capacity. However, there was still a silver lining to this entire fiasco that she had kickstarted. In the process of weeding out terrible leaders, her time with her new friends and allies had brought to her attention another Digimon who was worthy to take up the mantle of leadership. With the subject of the Royal Knights, tattered and leaderless, and the future it held, Alphamon said to Examon as he flew back to the castle with all five of them still Biomerged, [i]“I believe it is time for the Royal Knights to turn to a new chapter. There is no denying that their ruthless regime under Imperialdramon has inflicted pain and suffering and only time could allow these wounds to recover, but they do deserve a proper guidance, one that would guide them to a true peace in Digital World." "I believe they deserve a second chance... Through you.”[/i]