Kenji couldn't help but grin as he finished consuming his sandwiches, no matter what mood he was in he always felt better after eating a few of these. Normally he only ate here after a long day or whenever he was feeling down but a change of pace was nice every now and then. He didn't admit it openly but this was the first time he had actually brought anyone with him to this place, it was weird but he could get used to something like this. At least that's what he wanted to think but the more he thought about it, the stranger it felt to be here with others. His attention went back to Aiko as she spoke of the food, arching a brow seeing her expression but when she waved her fork he grinned and nodded before finishing off his soda. "Alright I hope you'll remain in my company for a bit longer Aiko-san since I still want to hear your singing," Kenji said standing up. "I know a place that's pretty quiet and it's not too far." Kenji dug in his pocket and pulled out the money, he pulled out a few extra dollars for a tip before setting it on the table. "I'll pay for this, when you finish meet me outside." Kenji walked and over paid for their meal before walking outside, he leaned against the outside wall and crossed his arms letting out a long sigh. Once he was outside Kenji squinted a little as a familiar face caught his attention for a brief moment, he looked into the small crowd for a full verification but he lost the person who looked like a young man. "....was that...Gregory?" He was pretty sure he just saw him when he came out, he didn't want to say he stood out but his appearance was a bit different from the others, not that he personally could say anything. Aside from other Yankee's his blond hair made him easy to pick out in a crowd. --- "It's not worry and you don't want an answer to that," Breaker said glancing over at her after she sent her spear up. "After everything you put me through, you still owe me." Breaker grit his teeth as he put a new clip into his guns, while Sonata readied her spears he kept a steady gaze on the creature trying to predict it's movements, however before he could raise his guns again the creature's attention was distracted by attacks from the fortress, Breaker glanced in their direction before turning his attention back to the negative as it took the hit. At the very least they were helping with the problem one of their own caused at least that's what he assumed seeing he ran in that direction, perhaps choosing the fortress wasn't that bad a decision. Breaker quickly raised both his guns as the creature was stunned before he took in a deep breath letting a bit more of his magic out. "Guess I should put in a bit more effort," Breaker mumbled. His eyes narrowed a little before he pulled the triggers repeatedly sending a barrage of bullets through the creature, he watched it screech and continued firing keeping his shots relentless until he tore it's wings completely, he dropped his clips and slammed new ones in before he continued firing waiting until the creature eventually fell to stop firing. "Sonata it's all yours," Breaker said dismissing his gun. "Hurry so we can head towards the fortress." Breaker shoved his hands in his pockets and glanced over at her before looking back at the fortress, whoever was there knew they were there now but he couldn't see from here who occupied it. He turned his attention back to the negative, it could be new ego's as he didn't know Midwinter Envoy and he sldo didn't know their were fortresses which ego's occupied. Annoying as this walk was he at least learned something new.