[center][img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v633/Ghurdrich/a7c71799-b017-4f59-822e-3fdc920bbb62_zps369ee76a.jpg][/center] It was a kind of eternal darkness that, drawn out for too long, made you forget about the darkness and the passage of time. It hand indeed lasted for quite a long time, and as people came and went in the chat, the Valkyrie had phased out entirely into her own world. She had long since gained awareness, and even so had only spent the last decade or so in meditative silence, forgoing even conversation with other Keys. She grew to enjoy the darkness, in a very martyrlike sense. It was her place, the place where she belonged, where she could contemplate her own existence. Her successes and failures all existed here within her memory, and her mind was active, even without a body. In a world without enemies, she was her own sword and shield, but also her own fiercest opponent. Like boxing against your own shadow, there was no victory to be had. But there was an always-looming defeat. But Aegis Nobilis, Alias Code Valkyrie, knew. Her life devoted to training her body was the life she needed to go back to. Her mind was so sharp that any further attempt to sharpen it could only serve to dull the blade instead. She was not blessed with great intelligence, like some of the others, and she thought she was even somewhat bland, and that imposed limits on the blade of her mind. Without balance, she couldn't grow any further. Many of the other Keys boasted about their intelligence, the things they had learned, the endless limits of their own imaginations and thoughts, but for the Valkyrie, her limits had long since been reached. She was a fighter, a tool. It was not her place to philosophize or aspire to great learning. Her wits were all she needed, and as long as she kept them active, it was enough. In a moment of weakness, she longed to swing a sword again, to feel her sword arm flex against the weight and resisteance of itself and of her enemies. She let herself want to be chosen again... [img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v633/Ghurdrich/CGlvHrX_zpsd483f9b2.png] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsFJ3fyjHBY]...No way. There was no way. After all this time, she was chosen...?[/url] It was nothing short of a miracle for a despondant girl who had given up on hope. This was her final shot, her final chance, she knew. Whoever had bought her, no matter what sort of person they were, she would serve them. She would make them proud, but most of all, she would bring them absolute victory. Failure was not an option, defeat was not an option. Compromise was not an option. Driven by the burning memory of her past, and the smoldering fire of her own heart, her will hardened into unbreakable steel. The darkness faded into itself and she waited in a different darkness. She had run this course before in the past, and knew the drill. She was waiting to be synchronized with her owner's phone. She waited for only a short time. Her owner had spared little time in synchronizing her. It was a good sign, the sign of someone who was excited. Naive, perhaps, but excited. It mirrored Valkyrie's own feelings and brought a small smile to her heart. [center][img=http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu272/shadowwolfcat13/newcreate11_zpse7ac90ef.png][/center] Loading... .Loading.. ..Loading. ...Loading Firewall Status: Updating... Firewall Status: [ACTIVE] [hider=..][youtube]q7sSGmfeajI[/youtube][/hider] The simple script flashed before her eyes once the synchronization was complete, and Valkyrie would be... no, she [i]was[/i] in her new home. It was, of course, a far newer device than she was used to, and it took only a moment for her to get accustomed to her surroundings. The phone seemed to be loaded with several different things, games, music, photos, all the comforts of the modern world in a small package. It was nice, honest, and full of life. The sort of place that Valkyrie could get used to. At the moment she was looking at... 'Kya-' she uttered sharply before regaining control of her own voice. The phone's camera was looking at... herself, or more precisely her key. It seemed like her owner had been taking a picture of her, which meant that the screen she had just looked through presented a fair close-up of the young girl's face. It had surprised Valkyrie, and made her jump. She immediately regretted her loss of composure, but it could not be taken back. "...Ahem," she cleared her throat. Of course, that wasn't really necessary, but she hoped to get the young woman's attention, and maybe she could stop holding the phone so close to her face. Valkyrie herself was displayed on the phone's screen, rather than the picture that she was trying to take, so it must have been awkward for the both of them. "Greetings to you, my new Owner." A quick scan through the files on the phone gave her a name. "Your name is Sofia... yes? Shall I call you as such?" The overly formal, strong voice rang out through the speakers of the phone, which Valkyrie considered 'more proper' than speaking directly into her owner's mind, at least on their first meeting. "You might have noticed that you have an app on your phone, which directly correlates to my current status. You can use different functions within to see my stats or any other information. Later on, you may also use this function to, erm, cast me aside, if you find me unsatisfactory. As a Key, of course I am ready for this eventuality." "The most important feature I would like to introduce is the feature to select my name. By default I am designated the code Valkyrie, but this is merely the name that other Keys know me by, and it is not truly my 'name,' per se. If you would like to personalize me, I do have that functionality. I would be pleased to respond to whatever you choose."