Startled by Strix's rapid response, Changeling let out a surprised yelp as he was pulled onto the building. As he regained his footing, he grinned beneath his mask. "Thanks for the-" he began, and then the vigilante was gone. Changeling stared for a moment as Strix maneuvered across rooftops. "..." Changeling crouched down at the edge of the roof and drew his bow, scanning the roofs for snipers and keeping an eye on the ground. "...'Kid'?" Then Neutro charged, and Changeling watched as he shrugged off the immobilizing bullets and flung the "terrorists" and a car into the air like nothing. The archer had super stength, but he had never seen anything quite like that. Changeling paused his contemplation to shoot at the knee of a "terrorist" holding a grenade launcher. He wasn't sure if Neutro would be affected by those rounds, but it was probably best to be safe.