Oh my god it is so good this season <3 I have two more episodes left, which are going to have to wait until after I write my exam on Thursday, but I love it! You're right, Nikki and Poussey are hot af. And I absolutely hate Vee, oh my god she can die in a hole now thnx! xD Also, I am actually starting to like Piper now, last season I thought she was just way too whiney and annoying, but this season I find that she has been better. But Alex! Ahh, I am scared for her.. You probably know what happens but I am so excited to see how everything with Cooper goes down. Ooh, yeah! That is probably it, although I much prefer the beaver explanation as well :p And yes! The workshops were kind of like a mock audition which was super cool and then later that week we danced on the main stage in Downtown Disney. You know the one right outside of the chocolate shop and stuff? Yeah, it was an amazing experience and we actually drew quite the crowd which was awesome. I actually kind of like that idea, of letting myself totally go and be at the whim of some external force. It sounds exhilarating. I know that this summer I am going to do a lot of stuff that will put me in this kind of situation, not anything dangerous, just things that are out of my comfort zone. Honestly, I think that the outcome of this summer is going to be me as an entirely different person. I can't wait!! Tell me, what was the most rebellious thing you ever did in high school? I like that last one: People who don't know how much they are loved. I know for a fact that I am this type of person, and it bugs me that I literally can't except the fact that people actually like me with no kind of ulterior motive. Like, even when people tell me constantly how much they love me I still have the hardest time believing that they aren't just trying to get something out of me. It's sad and I wish I could change it about myself but I can't. But can you really blame me for feeling that way? I mean, people are naturally very greedy, it is human nature, so I think I have a right to be wary about peoples motivations, right? Dude, there is no stereotype about it. We're all fucking great. #lies #Iamlying #don'tbelieveme XD Haha, no but actually most people around here are really polite, but there is a fine line between "polite" and "nice", and most people are not the latter. What do Canadians think of Americans? Well, I can't speak for anyone else but I go based on my own judgement which is that the Americans I have met have all been, for the most part, nice. There was some people who were kinda rude to me, but I know rude Canadians too so whatever. Things with [i]the boy[/i] are going pretty well, I think. We hung out last Saturday and I just got home from his house, hehe. But I honestly have to say, I don't know what I am getting myself into at all... like I don't think he intends on exactly dating me. But he is super sweet and we get along really well, plus he is [i]really[/i] cute and totally okay with my sexuality. And he calls me sweetheart, like all the time and it is fucking adorable. Ahaha, thanks for the advice, doll! And just so you know, he is the one doing most of the pursuing, he almost always texts me first unless we're talking really late and I fall asleep and text him the next morning to apologize. I honestly think that this is going to be a good thing, though. Like I really do believe that because he is constantly telling me about how much fun we're going to have this summer and that we're gonna do all this shit and it is going to be great! Anyways, I'll stop now :p Haha, so what was it you wanted to tell me?? Finals can suck it. Gah! I am so frustrated DX My exam is this coming Thursday and I still haven't really studied and I am very, very nervous :( As for dance, no we are finished! The new season started two weeks ago and I am soooooo excited XD I get to do a trio with my best friend and another girl who we are both really close with and it is gonna be so awesome! XD