--- [i]The Assembly was deathly silent. On most occasions, they were an unruly bunch, the wealthiest and most troublesome aristocrats of the glorious Dwarven Republic, most civilized of all nations. Yet the sight before them could compel even them to silence. That was not to mean that they were calm; rather the opposite, the room's quiet was filled with an noiseless rage, as each councillor choked on their own fury. Sitting on stone benches in a massive, ornate circular chamber, they surrounded the dwarf ambassador before them, with every scar on his body visible. The Elf-King had had him flogged, twenty-five lashes in all. For what seemed like hours, nobody dared to speak.[/i] [i]"War", breathed suddenly Councillor Loeric, shocking all: he was the leader of the isolationist peace faction.[/i] [i]"War", agreed another voice, and soon the silent uproar became a loud uproar, as shouts of "To war!" and "Death to the elves!" went up. Amidst it all, Councillor Ordyr's booming voice could be heard, clamoring his usual wish, this time eliciting the roaring approval of the chamber: "We must slay every last elf, from the lowliest peasant to the vile Elf-King! We must sack the foul city of Galenave and pull it apart, stone from stone!"[/i] [i]Speaker Tismar shouted with the rest of them, yet knew that the matter was not that simple. The Elves were backed by all the might of the expansive Galan League, composed of the oldest, most renown peoples in the known world. The Republic had many allies within their own Ingrian League, true, yet would they all remain loyal? There was only one certainty: The time of second thoughts and indecision was over. Now, all would have to take a side, and the world would surely burn. [/i] --- Welcome to the world of Tver, on the brink of a war between the illustrious yet stagnant Kingdom of Norium, and the ambitious Republic of Cesia. You will play as a country or even race of your own creation as you maneuver geopolitics. In this NRP, the system of alliances is everything, and those without allies will find themselves alone in a sea of enemies. The game starts at the beginning of the year 714, from a calendar based on the founding of the Kingdom of Norium. [Hider=Map and region info] http://s28.postimg.org/ac1ego37w/Map7_3.jpg [img]http://s28.postimg.org/ac1ego37w/Map7_3.jpg[/img] A map of Ora, courtesy of Dedonus: [img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/ora_zpse1ff8f06.png[/img] There are three main continents. Agra, the largest, is the large blob in the north. It is a temperate, mostly flat land. Think europe. The second is Ora, the tooth-like landmass in the south-east, which is mostly covered in deserts, except for the jungle-covered southern tip. Finally, Lera is the region in the southwest, a mountainous, barren land generally regarded as poor and undesirable.[/Hider] [Hider=NS] Here's the NS template you should use to make a nation. It's a bit general, so I highly encourage you to add more fluff to expand on your people's reality. [b]Nation name:[/b] [b]Location on map:[/b] You can just post an edited image of the world here. [b]Race:[/b]If you want to make your own race, I'm going to have to ask you to present it to me beforehand. Just to be safe. [b]Type of government:[/b] [b]Faction:[/b] You're either in the League of Ingria (With the dwarven Republic) or the Galan League (with the elven kingdom). If your people aren't a member of either, you need to put which way they lean. Absolute neutrality is not an option (Short of a personal okay from me). The Galan League is focused on maintaining the status quo and its own supremacy, while the Ingrian League seeks to augment the power of its members. [b]Ruler:[/b] [b]Capital:[/b] [b]History:[/b] [b]Administration:[/b] Explain how your nation is run. [b]Military:[/b] [/Hider] There is a wiki for this, right [url=http://fiat-bello.wikia.com/wiki/Fiat_Bello_Wiki]here[/url]. There's also an IRC, here: http://client00.chat.mibbit.com/. Use channel #FiatBello. WANTED: A co-GM. I'm not always available, so I'd like to have somebody who can back me up and manage the RP on the occasions where I'm busy.