[quote=ramblingbard] Ah. Well that makes sense I guess. That all seems like it would be a bit confusing if not everyone does it in an RP, to me anyways, though. Just to be honest there. But it does make sense as far as speaking goes. Have you been in many other RPs where people have used coding to the extent that Ursa has listed? Do you think that what I've done for Milo and Otis might get confused with the coding you're using? (And would you recommend I use it as well?) Because I can always alter Milo and Otis to a different text format (i.e. and ) [/quote] Before the guild got purged, most high-casuals try to use the code to color their dialog, though it's really just a personal preference. Most people don't use the code because it's tiresome to have to constantly type out the code, or because they use their phone of tablet which makes it difficult. Since the guild doesn't have color codes yet, don't expect a lot of people to use Bold or Italics. So far only a few people would bother to do that. at least in places were I RP. As for your two voices, since only your character can hear them, I don't think you should need to try to identify them differently. You may want to just keep them both as Italics (Thoughts) so our characters don't mistake Mio and Otis for what your dude is saying. Your dude should either use plain font (No bold or italics) or Bold, though that's just my opinion. Do what you will.