There was an explosive sound, like a thousand rockets going off every millisecond, the applause of the entire universe, a clattering that rung through the forest and shook the leaves of the ancient oaks. Each of the vast gattling guns was capable of firing 200 bullets per second, each bullet the size of a grown man's fist. Five of the great weapons fired without warning, and Darkside wasn't filled with holes. He wasn't ripped apart. To say he was killed was an understatement, as the storm of bullets removed all consistency in the biological mass of his body, and the Demigod was turned into a fine red mist. Bone and flesh had been rendered into such small quantities that they were liquid, then spread through the air like a vapor. Absolute and utter annihilation. "That is what happens." The five drones that had opened fire now aimed their weapons at the two remaining threats. The gattling guns stopped spinning, and in the aftermath of the sudden burst of sound, the silence was deafening. It seemed an eternity passed before, once more, Mathew spoke out, his voice ringing out from every drones at once. It echoed through the trees, like the voice of a God, transmitted from so many sources. "Eclipse, you are welcome to enter my realm. I would be happy to negotiate terms, hopefully under less dire of circumstances. I would invite you to my ship, Babylon, where we may speak in person. However, I must ask you to disarm yourself before I do so. A simple precaution, as you must understand."