Rachael opened her eyes slowly as she held her hand to her forehead. Her vision still a little blurry but she could make out what was in front of her. The blurry figure stood up and reached beside him, probably for his weapon, then she realized it. She hadn't bumped into a tree as she previously thought. The figure was tall, or at least seemed tall, she was sitting on the ground so maybe it was just the angle. She placed her hand firmly on the green moistened ground, propping her self up to a standing position. She wobbled a bit before gaining her balance. As her vision cleared, sher could make out the person she was standing in front of. The man's face was mostly covered by a baseball hat and sunglasses, but she could make out his clearly defined jaw and cheek bones. Her mouth opened ready to speak to the man before she came to realization that he might be hostile. She must have dropped her crowbar when she fell over because when she went to grab for it, it was missing from her side. She gave up. She didn't have a weapon or the mental preparation to run for her life.[b]"Please sir, don't hurt me."[/b] She held her hands out forward, as if doing so would show she was friendly. she didn't see the a green jacket with a logo, so she assumed he was your average survivor trying to get by.[b]"I know what it's like these days. Seeing anybody out and about is terrifying, especially someone you don't know in the slightest. But please sir. Please don't hurt me."[/b] Her eyes were shifting from his sunglasses to the axe in his hand. [b]"I don't know you, but I can tell you're not a murderer."[/b] She was panicking. She couldn't tell what he was thinking, which was scary. It might have been her imagination, or her mind still in a daze from the crash, but she thought she saw him clench his fist. Sweat trickled down her rough skin as she tried to bargain with him, pleading for her life.[b]"Please sir, I'll do anything, just don't hurt me. Do you want food? I have some cereal if you want. What about some company? I'm not great in a fight but I can hold my own and help protect. Ju...Just...."[/b] She took a step backwards, hoping to feel the hard stainless steel crowbar under her foot. It wasn't there, she must have tossed a little further than she thought. Her heart raced faster now that she couldn't fight back. She waited for as response, either with action or words.