"DAMN~? DAYUM?!" There could be no real words to describe how impressed Toms had been, setting foot into their new place of hers. Everything was fancy like she had specified! A modern living space like out of an Ikea magazine, a big window showing the courtyard. Going over to the living space, noticing the couch, she tossed the clipboard onto the matching armchair and hopped right onto the big couch...running shoes on and all. "Real leather?!" Something like this was pretty nice! Lazily, she barely reach out and grabbed the clipboard she just tossed. Everything matched the house layout like she wanted, and--oh? How helpful, a map, something she'd definitely need. Still, she couldn't help but lay down on the couch and just stare around at the place. Just a day or so ago, Penelope Toms was living with seven of her older brothers in a small house...new furniture was a big nope, all so they could to pay for more important things they needed, and she was lucky enough to have her practically closet sized room back home. Now...now this was putting things into perspective! Her home was tiny, this place was huge. As if an alarm to wake her from this not-dream, some sort of ringing sounded through the living area...coming from the front door. Well, not the front door. Some sort of advanced house interface they mentioned on television a few times, or something, a buzzer and security thing as well or something. Going on over to the door, she checked the screen thing out...oh, some sort of orientation thing at 1:30? Well, this was a job thing of sorts, Toms first job, actually. Some sort of human zoo thing, or something, like those news articles. Deciding that she didn't want to mess up her first job thing, she went and grabbed the clipboard and left through the front door. It was always the thing to arrive early by 15-30 minutes, that's what her bro Joe kept saying...that hypocrite. Closing and locking up the front door, she looked around about her before staring down at the map for a long while.