Deathshadow growled " show respect, your in trouble," he smirked a bit . "And stop whining like a kittypet." He didn't care if she wanted to be left alone. She was in the wrong and a stranger in thier lands, He knew the others had right to judge. He hissed a bit. "After this is over I am chasing you out!!" He was sure that the other cats would expect her to be chased out. Though it was the leaders decision on what was going to happen. He took her to the leader and shoved her a bit. A burmese cat came out of his den , He tilted his head and was looking straight at Hawksong. "So this is the intruder,?" He spoke firmly and wouldn't let her cause trouble. He had been able to hear the other cats talking about her. "Who are you?" he was speaking to Hawksong, his eyes were focused on her. Deathshadow was looking at the leader. "This is Hawksong,. Found her hunting on Shadowclan territory." He smirked. He was quite amused. He sat down waiting to see what would happen. He knew he was tired still. The cat was doing his best to stay awake. If he fell asleep though, he wouldn't care as he knew the leader would deal with Hawksong. Though he did want to see the leaders decision and Hawksong's reaction.