[centre]West Watch Tower -- Abida Qisaf[/centre] The appearance of the young girl was unexpected, and Abida wondered if she herself was magicked to appear as something she wasn't. [i]Why this game of chess?[/i] She wondered. Was the grand illusionist setting a trap, or simple enjoyed putting such stakes on mundane challenges? There was no way to tell how skilled the girl was at the game, but Abida was willing to believe that they'd face no child's incompetence. The short sprite stepped forward and accepted the challenge with lute and song. The childlike appearance and demeanor of the other queen's blade did nothing to lessen Abida's apprehension of the situation. As the selkie began stammering, she leaned down and grabbed the sprite's arm. "I hope you are skilled at this game, singing child," Abida hissed. Draza was rather surprised by the grip of the woman who grabbed her, and while it did hurt her frame initially, she did her best to not let it show, "I've had many matches in my days. Politicians love games, of thought, skill, or chance, and children enjoy them too," she gestured to the one who had challenged them, "Although children oft change or bend the rules to their whims." "Then have the rules be changed in your favour. I do not plan on dying from the failings of others." She tightened her grip momentarily before stepping back. She had never liked the subtle trickery of mind games. The master had trained her to navigate it's webs, but she had never grown comfortable with it. The true and simple was what she desired, when everything was clear and everyone had their place. Not the false visions and hidden threats that plagued this town. --- [centre]Town Square -- Thailen Vicarris[/centre] "Eldrick," Thailen said sharply, "[i]Eldrick.[/i]" The big man had been calm a moment before, now he was as terrified as the other militia. Thailen herself found her hands shaking as she swung her gaze from spiders to vampires to drow and back. All around were monsters, and the threat of the bomb suffocating it all. The others were right to be afraid. She had been afraid before. Years before, with two dozen men-at-arms huddled close against the rain. After weeks of futile searching, they had found the tiefling raiders that had been plaguing the Vicarris lands. They had outnumbered her force two to one as she crouched atop the hill above them, waiting to give the signal to attack. Yes, there had been fear then, but there had also been the reassurance of being surrounded by those she had grown up with. Now she found herself alongside strangers. Most of whom were frozen in fear, the others largely unarmed or monsters themselves. However, she had given the call to attack all those years ago. She would do so again. Uncurling her devil-tail whip, she snapped it high in the air. "To me!" she cried, and charged the spiders.