[b]The Shadow Wolf[/b] [i]Real Name:[/i] Unknown [i]Age:[/i] Unknown [i]Race:[/i] Hybrid: Human/Wolf [i]Affiliation:[/i] The Emperor [i]Jantur:[/i] A F-9 Limner, however, a large portion of his power is directed inwards to maintain his form and mind as they are (it is unknown what would happen if he ever lets go of this control.) The power he has outwardly available is around H-3 level. Uses a style he dubs 'Kitsunetur', involving nine different 'turs in various combinations of two or three. The nine 'turs he uses are: Firetur, Watertur, Earthtur, Airtur, Icetur, Lightningtur, Healingtur, Shadowtur and Soultur. [i]Equipment:[/i] |Shoulderguards| Project a shielding magic strong enough to completely block small magics and lessen the impact of stronger ones. |Sheath| Enchanted to be impossible to separate from his side, and has a paired enchantment with his sword so that it will always return to the sheath if dropped. |Sword| In addition to the returning spell, has two other enchantments: an airtur spell along the edge to make it extra-sharp, and a combination of healingtur and shadowtur that produces a corrupted healing spell making it very hard to magically heal its wounds. This spell is what gives the edge of the blade its red colour. |Mask| Projects an aura of fear that greatly increases the already powerful intimidation he gives off. Also enchanted with Truesight. [i]Appearance:[/i] Stands at around eight feet tall, and correspondingly wide. His eyes are purple, and seem to glow. Each of his nine tails flicker with a different energy (see [i]Jantur[/i], above.) [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs49/f/2009/235/9/9/Kitsune_samurai_by_PVTjoe.jpg] [i]Personality:[/i] Cunning, shrewd and an almost feral joy in battle. Has a rather vicious sense of humour. [i]History:[/i] A powerful Scribe who volunteered for the hybridising experiments, he was able to use his own Jantur to stabilise himself enough during the process that he retained his mind. Nothing is known of his past before the experiment, since the Emperor has made it top-level classified, and he looks so different from before that nobody can even guess at who he is. Since the experiment, he has trained extensively with his new shape and magical style, and recently begun combat missions, already having proved a valuable asset in battle and the equal of many lesser men.