The King pounded his somewhat large fist down on the side of his throne, his double chin shook slightly as the shockwave passed up his well insulated body. The man giving the report cowered, as he should. "You're telling me, that these... peasants managed to kill a Lord? A Lord of [i]my[/i] realm?""Yes, My Liege.""Have all impregnation moved to within the gates of the castle. No Lord is to venture out without adequate protection.""At once sir.""Do we know who killed him?" Naturally the man was skeptical to say no, to do so when the King was in such a mood could resort in anything from a little bit of physical abuse to an execution. It wasn't at all predictable however to annoy the King now was surely not a good idea. "From what we have managed to gather from the scene and from what happened it appears to have been her brother-" He was making it up, everyone knew it. There was no actual evidence however her brother had disappeared and the only one who they knew for a fact had a connection with the woman. It at least gave them someone to place a Death warrant on. "-A warrant has been issued for his execution.""No.""No, My Lord?"" The King stood up and moved forward. "I want in brought here, right before my throne and tortured for what he did. I want him to beg for the same mercy he gave his rightful rulers and then. Then I want him publicly executed and hung from the ceiling of central." He looked out a nearby moment out at the city for a moment. "How goes the repair work on the Cathedral?" The aide who had been talking was promptly ushered away and a new one took his place. "Slowly, the ghouls are working as fast as they can and many have literally fallen apart my Liege. However we continue to press on, we should have all the rubble nearby removed so we can get in in about a month.""Unacceptable, our Father in heaven demands that we do this faster. However, the abominations that are the Ghouls obviously displease our Lord in working to save such a precious building." He paused as he moved back into his seat. "Have all men who are deemed to have possible rebellious tendencies, particularly those who work in heavy labor or have loved ones nearing the age of impregnation. ""Yes my liege" He waved the man away, without so much as [i]that is all.[/i] Peasants killing Lords, what on Earth would happen next? A full scale rebellion? --- [b]Half an hour later[/b] An announcement had been declared for evening prayer. That could only mean something bad. Sam grumbled as he trudged through the slime that inhabited the lowest level off Dogsville, it was the reason why all the markets had been moved up to the next level onto platforms because it wasn't the cleanest place to have food down here, not that it had ever been clean since he had been here. Without growth they were at least five years away from completing the plumbing on all the current shacks however with the rate of growth it would never be finished and so the lower levels would forever be subject to walking through the filth of those above them. It was all very symbolic in his opinion, on how he had to deal with the shit given to him from the monarchy. I mean they had what, over a thousand people crammed in this building and the Kings priority was rebuilding a church. To be honest he didn't care unless they started putting housing up in the Church which they wouldn't of course. It was all a load of bullocks. Now of course there was the odd building outside the [i]civilization[/i] areas however the main problem with that was the illegality of going there, either try and sneak past guards or take your chances on the underground and neither sounded very healthy, hell for the Resistance he very rarely allowed use of the Underground tunnels as it was just too risky with all the spider things down there. Though things were slowly picking up speed, as long as it all didn't go to shit with that hothead slicing that Lords throat. IT would have been so much better if he had contacted the Resistance [i]before[/i] and not after. They could have made it look like an accident or a resistance attack and not have the man targeted. It was all screwed to hell and back and he didn't have time for any off it. The city was just a giant sinkhole and if they managed to overthrow the King his plans were to just get everyone to leave, building new buildings is easier than repairing old ones. As if to stress his point he walked through a patch of rain that had managed to fall down the several levels of doggsville from a hole in the roof, at least he hoped it was rain however it was that dark he couldn't see. The only real time you could see at the bottom was midday. He turned off into a tavern, assaulted by the smoke that filled the room navigating more by instinct in the fog than by sight as he moved into the back and took his usual seat and waited for his beer to turn up. Looking at the few others gathered around him. He pulled a cigarette out of his pocket, he had rolled it earlier, before striking a match and lighting it. "So, whats the status on our little project?""It's slow going trying to keep its staff to a bear minimum. We've been managing to tweak medical documents with a little help. People have been slowly going missing, not enough to raise suspicion just a little more than usual. We're putting it down as illness due to winter coming in. It usually picks up this time of year anyway.""How many people do we have working on the project?""Fifty.""Fifty? Bloody hell that's almost half the movement.""I know, but it's going to talk all of us. Once we're done we can get to arming ourselves and get into the fight." Sam tipped ash from his cigarette onto the mud encrusted floor. "We need this base of operations up, we can't do jack shit from inside Doggsville without putting everyone at risk, it is hard enough gathering support with all these restoration projects the King has going. The Cathedral, Museum, Imperial College. He's expanding, fast. Not to mention the broadcast is still drawing more and more people in. Some of them are even buying his crap. We need to get going, Museum should be finished in a couple of weeks and from what I hear they're stripping all the exhibits out to the Palace and turning it into another domestic hub. If we don't hurry they'll move half of us there and then it'll be harder to co-ordinates.""We know, it just takes time." "I'm worried that we don't have it."