"Alright, then. I'll see you there." Aiko took another sip of coffee; it was still warm, and she still had half the other croissant left. She thought Kenji could eat pretty quickly, but then again, she wasn't exactly the biggest eater ever. In this case, it was a bit frustrating; Aiko rushed to finish her food and decided to just take the coffee out, as it was in a paper cup anyway, and glugging it down barbarically would only burn her tongue. Whatever. Kenji looked pretty happy about eating out, at least. Aiko lifted her drink off the table and pushed the door open, walking out as the bell rang abovehead and the waitresses bade her goodbye. Just as she stepped out of the small cafe, Aiko saw that something had caught Kenji's interest, and she followed his gaze to a shock of blond hair just disappearing into the crowd. The natural kind of blond hair; it was easy to tell it apart from dye. Hmm, come to think of it, wasn't there a foreigner from their school with hair that shade? Maybe that's what had held Kenji's attention. Aiko would've liked to call him over (Gregory was his name, right?), but he had already gone, and Aiko shrugged it off and went over to lean against the wall next to Kenji, casually sipping at her coffee. "Mm. Seen something?" she prodded, though she was already quite sure he had. +++ It looked like the distraction (of course it was a distraction on purpose) had succeeded, and one of Breaker's bullets hit the Negative's wing in full, though even that did little damage, loosing a few feathers then leaving the thing on its damned flying rampage again. Crisis, unfazed, received her fallen weapon mid-air and aimed it to strike again when a bolt suddenly whizzed past them, narrowly missing the enemy and sending the edge of the forest into a spray of wood splinters. Before anyone had time to react, a second projectile struck the Negative square in the chest, shortly exploding into a blinding blue flash that drew out long screeches from the creature. Crisis hissed, all the points of her Staccato Blades aimed at the thing. "Urgh. Horrid," she muttered under her breath, and the accursed monster only screamed louder as Breaker's bullets struck its wings one after another. Eventually the light faded and a dull thud resounded; immediately Crisis shot all her spears into the beast, head to tail down its spine, and when it continued to screech she stabbed it over and over until it was silent once and for all. Thank goodness. Silence had never sounded so good. The job finished, Crisis dismissed her weapons with a sweep of the hand, and they disappeared neatly in a row as she turned to face Breaker with a grin back on her face. "Heehee. Someone's finally excited, then," she noted, walking past him to head to the fortress. "And when did I owe you? In any case, I suppose we can call it even now that I helped you out and skewered Mister Party-crasher over there." She motioned to the body of the Negative behind her.