A remake of Seirei no Tsumi hosted by Makatsume Haru and me. [center][I]Introduction[/I] Our history began in the first half of the Rennaisance period.People who bear strong connections to the spiritual world have always roamed free between the two worlds. Most of them according to legend were all just product of fairy tales and stories that has passed on from generations or so they say. However, the truth is they lived completely in the shadows to avoid normal people from discovering their existence and invoke chaos. There were countless warring clans and only three of them stood on top of the food chain, The Nesterov of the Forest, The Alstreim of Earth and The Tsurara of Eternal Ice, they called themselves 'Reisha' or Spirit Warriors, It was not until the late 2020's that their existence were expose due to an incident that happened in various countries such as Europe,Japan,America, and China when a Madman and its clan tried to absorb all the spiritual power in the world unfortunately his plans met a quick end. The 3 clans who are now exposed formed a contract from the underworld of spirits and fought against that Madman and the victory was served. The fourth clan disappeared from history after "The 9th Great Spirit War", which made most regular humans fear them and their over destructive powers. Political conflicts started, mostly because many of these 'Reishas' simply could have benefited humanity if only they have just revealed themselves earlier and internal strife continued for many centuries and World War 3 was something inevitable, billions of people died but it was worth it. Some would think this was a trial of a lifetime, but using spiritual powers was an easy thing. The Nesterov are known for their adept use of magic and with that power, a truce is formed between the three elder clans. A new era is born where humans and Reisha are able to live peacefully with one another in a union of comradery and harmony, the country Lyranias is the so called paradise that started the end to a whole new beginning. Other countries followed the practice of the Reisha and soon the high is nigh as everyone in this world are born with spiritual energy. Unfortunately peace was always something that doesn't prosper long, as pandora's box opened once again, an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.[/center] [b]Timeline Events[/b] July 4 2020, the shocking truth of discovering Spirit Warriors and Demons. July 8 2020, declaration of war, World War 3 and and the 9th Great Spirit War. The war lasted for one hundred years, billions died and truce was made between the three elder clans and many followed their preaching of Reisha. March 7 2110, the end of the war although there are still rebels and casualties, the world recover just as fast with the help of spiritual powers. Later on, Lyranias is found, a year later, the die is cast when the need of a leader to rightfully rule the country, a King. However, disputes were caused as a the search for the rightful King was difficulty, the Tsurara established hierarchy and ruled Lyranias with an iron fist but it didn't last long as the battle between the three clan leaders fought on who should be the rightful ruler. A spark of flashing light divided Lyranias into 4 lands, that of North and South Korea yet they are the two sides of a coin. Thus, the rightful ruler emerged, the first King, a Nesterov. May 24 2111-August 2111, after the fight of the respective clan leaders, a hierarchy was established. The Nesterov would forever rule as Kings and Queens along side the Alstreim while the Tsurara were relocated and segregated from the main land. This caused even more conflicts than it had before, discrimination amongst the clans continued to no end, regardless of gender or not, many feuds occurred. To stop this catastrophe, the second King, an Alstreim took charge as King after the retirement of the First King. It got even worst since he was a tyrant, gender equality didn't manner and rights were abolished, it was scary as marshall law, it lasted for 50 years. February 10 2161, the Second King was overthrown by his country and his term was continued by a fellow Alstreim but it was even worst as every clan was abuse. There needs to be management, fortunately there was, a young Tsurara challenged the second King which later that Tsurara ascended as the Third King. Upon his rule, peace was restored as well as equality and Lyranias recognized as part of the United Nations. Now, in the year of July 10 2289. Reign of the 10th King. [b]Plot[/b] We all strive to do what's necessary in life, to find who we are, what are we looking for and why are we here? We are bound by our curiosities of this world, we aspire to be the best we can be but there is more to life than just subjecting to the wordily law of being a Reisha, is it really duty or freedom? The many traditions that our predecessors passed on for generations have influenced many people though some would be willing to live up the customs and traditions, others would rebel and obstruct our system, causing chaos. What will you do when the odds are against you?