Nation Name: Nictra Location on map: [img=] Race: Elves Type Of Government: Reactionary Republic Faction: Leaning for Galan League Ruler: Aries Denlent The V Capital: Nightwall. The city is located on the small island that Nictra owns. It wasn't originally the capital, but around 682 they moved the capital as it would be more defendable. The city takes up about 20% of the left side of the island, named Corpi in 668. 15% of it is surrounded by a wall, and the rest is surrounded by 50% of the small military. History: The republic of Nictra is a small republic, which was founded as a monarchy around 150 years ago by a man called Tensus. The monarchy was quickly overthrown due to complications with power, and they installed a Republic.They have never been involved in a conflict, as they have never been big enough to even consider a full scale war.In the past they have been known for nothing but their beautiful capital that is Nightwall. They take opportunities when they come, vunerable places won't get far in their eyes. Nictras army is small, and they only have 2 small political parties. That in Liberals and, of course, reactionaries. Nictra keep to their own countries issues, and while Not completely neutral, Nictra don't like to get involved in other countries politics. Administration: Nictra is a republic, meaning they have elections. However, the Denlent family has won said elections for the past 5 generations, hence the current ruler being called Aries Denlent "The V". The country is run with a lot of power going to the ruler, but not all of it, as the people do get a vote in some important decisions. Military:The Republic of Nictra's military is around 30% under the average amount of military power. Their navy is only slightly below average, the reason for this is so they can defend Corpi.