When they reached the vehicle the man helped Saria get Gypsy situated in the back. When the dog was comfortable the man opened the back door for them to get into the back two rows of seats. Gypsy was practically sitting in the third row of seats. Plus it looked to be a little cramped, so Saria climbed into the third row since Gypsy was hers and she was probably the smallest of the three. There was a man in the drivers seat, and he didn't seem to be anymore friendly than the first guy. "So, how far away is this cabin?" Asked Saria as she buckled in. The driver looked at her in the rear view mirror. "A two hour drive. Then you'll switch to either horseback or Atv." "Overkill, much." She mumbled shaking her head frowning. "Well, it sounds like you might get some good exercise today girl." She said patting the dog.