I haven't got time to make anything at the moment and will be out of the country all this week, but I would like to claim a bit of land for Mardithia. I will do my best to get a basic NS up today, but if I don't, know that I will have it up next Sunday when I come back. Edit: Oh, and if you are still in need of a co-GM, I have experience with NRP's and normal RP's, so I will be more than happy to help out when I come back. Edit II: Nation name: Mardithia Location on map: [img]http://i.imgur.com/BIIEhdu.jpg[/img] Race: Human Type of government: Elective Monarchy Faction: League of Ingria Ruler: High Thian Magnus 'the Old Wolf' Feuertarga Capital: The City of Maj'Dwaremburg General info (will develop history and others later): Mardithia is a relatively young kingdom, having risen to power one hundred or so years before the present . Originally made up of three warring nations, each with their own cultural and military tradition, only a powerful leader could hope to unite them. This powerful leader rose to power in the Kingdom of Majdathia, and within five years had a standing army unlike any other seen before. Instead of concentrating on huge numbers and relentlessness to win battles; he had developed a new idea: a military built on tactics, discipline and training. He had seen how the neighboring nations of the elves and the dwarves had standing armies which were trained and disciplined, and he reformed his Kingdom's army on this basis, but he went one step further: he trained and disciplined them to work in formations, designing his armies to be tactically superior to any enemy, just by existing. He created a formation very similar to the Roman testudo formation, but with spears jutting out of the front, flanks and back, make it very much like a hedgehog. Any direct attack on this formation was assuredly futile. This proved effective against cavalry, as they were put down by the spears when they tried to charge in. It also proved effective against archers who could not harm the completely protected Mardithian soldiers, and it also proved effective to some extent, against infantry who would receive great losses before the Mardithian soldiers would finally break the Testu-Phalanx formation and finish off the enemy infantry with short swords, extremely effective at close range. This army was proved itself to be the most disciplined and powerful, and with it the Kingdom of Majdathia went to war. With this new formation and army, the Majdathia completely eradicated the other two warring Kingdoms in a matter of years, absorbing their cultures and creating one, united and powerful nation; the Mardithia. The Kingdom of Mardithia has been growing ever more powerful since then, its trade and economy both booming, and its military power as indomitable and powerful as it was a hundred years before. Even though the Mardithians are fully capable of sweeping through the continent, causing havoc and possibly conquering other nations, its kings have been very peace-loving, preferring to prosper rather than conquer, though its skirmishes with barbarians at its borders and combat with pirates have kept its army prepared for war and powerful as ever. Mardithia has a very strict class system, made up of four tiers, the first is made up of the High Thian and Military Elite (generals etc) at the top – with the Emperor being the chief commander of the whole army, as well as the Senate, second come the High Thian's relatives, nobility and other aristocrats, while third are the merchants and landowners, those who have created their own class through wealth, and at the bottom, as usual, are the workers and peasants. No one can encroach upon the power of the High Thian and his Military, he is the supreme commander and authority in the land, though the Senate does wield considerable power and influence, often being the one to elect the High Thian. Generals and military officials are extremely powerful and also have considerable power. As all High Thians have been of the reforming stripe thus far, this has caused no problems, with even the peasants and workers having a relatively good quality of life. Inspectors constantly make sure that they are treated fairly by landowners and aristocrats, and that even though they are not paid for working, that they are fed properly and have as much freedom in their villages as possible. The city workers have these inspections as well, and their places of living and food are always checked for quality and quantity. However, these only happen due to the High Thian and Senate pushing for them, should an ignorant ruler come along, these inspections can disappear and the lowest class may end up in utter poverty, willing to rebel and cause great havoc.