He watches the younger male carefully, taking in every inch of him as Shigetoshi strips off his clothing and enters the spring. [i]'He is attractive enough. I wonder if he has anyone special in town he's thinking of becoming closer to. . .'[/i] Tatsuki settles back against the rocks a little more firmly as he waits for the human to settle. He really does hope that the young innkeeper will be okay with having him around despite whatever he'd done to put the young man on edge. Catching sight of Shigetoshi smile Tatsuki returns it with one of his own. The warm water laps gently against him as the ripples from the human's entry finally reaches him. He lets out a sigh and slides off the rocks. The moon peeks at them through the steam, giving their pale flesh a kind of soft glow that only moonlight can provide. Tatsuki swims a little closer to Shigetoshi, wanting to speak with the young man before any more misunderstandings can be had. Tatsuki stops a few paces away from the other, his upper body lifting out of the water as he stands up a little. The water from the spring tumbles down his flesh as he moves to a sitting spot not too far from the young innkeeper so he does not have to raise his voice to speak. As he stiles his eyes travel once more over the male before him as he lets out a soft sigh. “I really am sorry if I have done or said something to cause you discomfort. I know my words from before could lead one to believe that my line of work involves unsavory activities, but I assure you, I have no blood on my hands Shigetoshi-kun.” He hums softly, looking down to the water. “I do not hurt people. . .” He knows those words are only half true in his own mind, his actions causing pain inside for those who have to live on after he harvests the soul he is after. His eyes stay down as he waits for Shigetoshi to respond, his hands playing once more with the water gently.