Vark quickly runs out and looks around, making sure to take in everything to make sure nothing bad will happen. He readies his gun as he forgot to right before running out, he holds it and keeps a look out. "This is different. And I forgot to have my gun ready... how stupid of me..." He sees one of the team run off. "Wait!" He quickly heads after him and looks at the massive pit. He looks at the other of his team and shrugs. "No idea. Sorry." _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parasite readies his gun on the spot and heads out pointing it in different directions. He nods and points his gun down as he looks around and quickly says. "Will have to do what I can to collect samples. So many opportunities and new things to discover. Will have to gather what I can." He watches the two run off and shakes his head. Quietly, "Hopefully team will learn later on to not do stupid things..." He heads off after them and looks at the pit, he doesn't say anything as he thinks of everything that can be done to get to the base in the pit.