Jack was sitting at his desk talking on his cell as he was reading some reports. He seemed happy while he was talking to who ever he was talking to. "It will be fine, you'll see. I'll be there and you'll have the time of your life I promise." Jack looked up to hear a knock that seemed a little odd to hear but no one was here but him and so he decided to answer. Getting up, Jack headed for the main entrance to the base and continued onward. "Hey. You try to get over your nervous nerves and I'll pick you up tomorrow at noon tomorrow. Okay? I have company." Jack laughed at whatever was said on the other line. "Okay. Bye." He turned off the phone and answered the door. Upon opening the door, Jack looked at the man before him with a bit of confusion. Oddly enough, he looked hot. Really hot. The hair was wild yet somewhat neat, a bow tie, button up shirt, red suspenders, brown suit jacket, black slacks, dress shoes. Kinda like Jack himself but more tall and skinny. "May I help you?" He asked curiously. Unsure as to what to say to this man or why he was here.