“Gaaargh!” said Hi-Voltage. Admittedly it isn’t the most intellectual of things he’s ever said, but it was the best he could come up with considering he’d just had a knife sink itself into his thigh. The pain was excruciating, blood streaming from the laceration almost immediately. It was all Volt could do just to stay standing. He could hear Silvertongue desperately demanding to know what had happened, but all he could think was [I]‘This is what you get for making terrible puns when ya shoulda been sealing the deal, Tommy-Boy’[/I] Shank reappeared to his left, slashing away wildly with his knife which scored a neat little knick right under Volt’s ribs. The Lightning-Slinger swung a right hook at the villain, hitting only empty air. The criminal materialise at his right now, the tell-tale pop and another biting cut, this time across Volt’s cheek, announcing his presence. The hero through a straight right this time, but again went unrewarded for his efforts. The exchange went back and forth like this for a while, the evasive Shank happy to lead a merry game of cat and mouse that left Volt looking like bloody mincemeat. [I]Come on Tommy, you’re better than this. If you don’t do something soon he’s gonna leave you looking like a used butchers chopping board.[/I] Volt was tiring now, but was far from beat. He’d be damned if he was gonna die in America at the hands of some no-name punk after all he’d gone through back home. One more pop, one more little cut to his collection, Shank’s grinning mug looking like he’d already bagged and tagged his superhero prize. “Last one, wank,” snarled Tommy, fumbling for a decent threat. The villain blinked outta existence, just what Tommy was hoping for. The Lightning-Slinger spread his arms wide and released several prolonged bursts of electrical energy, him at the centre of a localised lightning storm, about five meters big in radius. [I]If I can’t hit him with precision then I’ll just blanket the whole damn area. You’re in for a shock as soon as you port back in Shank.[/I]