Faction Name: Fiends Faction leader(s): Jackhammer System(s): Valeya System Planet(s)/Territories: (btwn 1-5 planets/holdings, five being on the very high side) 1 Planet , Space Stations scattered around systems Faction Desc: The Fiends are a pirate like group, bandits and mercenaries, but also a nation that prides it self on "bright and lush industry" . In other words, the black market. If anything is needed to be done, bought illegal or transported and moved, the Fiends are the people to go to. History: Not Much is known about the fiends, due to there sporadic and pirate like nature. No one even know's how they got FTL, Plasma and ION Capabilities. However, what is known is alot of these "Mercenaries" are ex-imperial soldiers, who were sick and tired of the new duchy. Most spaceships have been revamped, changed colours and made to look the part of a off chart pirate style organization. Some even wonder is this even a "organization?". Rumour has it that there are rankings, a leader and other stuff but the Duchy hasn't really investigated into the fiends due to there extremely sporadic and rarely seen Nature. The exact extend of there technology and usage is unknown as well, due to them not really being seen in action besides on rare operations. Civilians going into these areas are advised to maintain extreme caution. Government type: Military Style Rankings, No Clear Government. Military Capabilities: (ships in faction fleets must be under 3k, though I will allow exceptions. The Ducal Navy has substantially more powerful ship designs than House or faction fleets. As for ground forces, the Duchy relies on its subfactions to provide for their own defense, so no hard limits here. The Rule of Cool and the Rule of Godmodding obtain) The Fiends have reported to have Two Dreadnought , Mostly Frigates, Starships and Cruisers, numbers totalling roughly 1,500 Ships. However most of these ships are either decommissioned , unused or needing repairs to fly them (OOC :True Strength is 900 Ships ) Ground Force Wise, All Members have access to various assault weaponry, high tech gadgets and other various parts looted from Duchy or Faction bases. Tanks and other vehicles are used rarely, Total Ground Force Members : 500,000 ( 150,000 Active , 250,000 Waiting for Assignment/ At Outposts and Bases , 100,000 Reserves/Off Duty ) Tanks : 500 APC's and Jeeps : 200 Relations with Other Factions: Neutral, Doesn't mind trading there goods with them