Id like to play as a Dragon and his human rider. Similar to how they do it in Eragon books. Dragon and rider share minds and power. For the dragon Name: Gryze MazD'hur Race: Dragon Age: 37 Gender: Male Profession/Role/Position: He roams the land with his dragon, trying as he can to help ones in need. (More info on the Rider) Appearance: Deep, dark green, shiny scales cover all of his body. He has a smaller horn on his nose and two bigger ones above his eyes. He has deep green eyes, round like a man's not like a reptile's. He has a long neck and great big wings, spanning almost 20 metres. A row of spiky potruding scales runs along his neck and back, all the way to the end of his tail. At the end of his tail is a flat, leaf-shaped bone with sharp edges which he can smash around to cause damage. He has 5 claws on the front paws and only four on the back. His top canines are slightly potruding from his lips. Equipment: He has an armour made of a bullet resistant body armour. It is deep green like his scales. It covers his belly, his back and adds metal spikes to the tail. His paws are also armoured, along with the bottom of his neck and the top of his head. His wings and joints are uncovered for mobility. His helmet provides a screen to help Gryze in aerial maneuvering with data such as which way down is, the speed of flight and a basic radar to see whats behind him. Implants: None Magic: Can spit fire. Shares mind and strength with his rider. Can instinctively perform magic without really controlling or wanting it. Often very powerful magic. Personality: He is wise and calm even at this young age, but can lose his mind when very angry and become very fierce. He is often the one who stops his rider from doing reckless acts and thinks before he acts. He is also very quiet. Bio: He was born the same day as his rider, sharing a bond at birth, he never knew his family, his rider's parents were his parents aswell. At the age of around 14, he had to flee with his rider, his family murdered by men of the government. That day he swore to have his revenge and restore order in this ruined world. Company/Organization: He has roamed the world only with his rider, but recently they came to a conclusion that this needs to end, and soon. They seek allies to battle against corruption and the government to restore peace and order! However, they don't believe Terrorism is a just way. And now the Rider. Name: Rywan Race: Human Age: 37 Gender: Male Profession/Role/Position: Rywan has wandered the lands for a long time. Fighting men of the government whenever they were few enough in numbers to be dealt with. He got his food and clothes from his dragon who hunts in forests and from generous offers of the people he saved. His profession is basically that of a defender of the common people, no matter what race they belong to. Appearance: Black straight hair, dark eyes, fair skin. Not very tall but fit. He looks like an average everyday human being, except for his weird marks on his arms and back. Runes in his skin which he had since he was born. Equipment: He has a sword, infused with magic, and a shield made from a durable alloy. Because of the shield's smooth surface bullets deflect from it. A dragon spitting fire is represented on the the surface. His sword is very long and sharp, with an emerald as a pommel. The whole blade shimmers in a green light. The sword can be set on fire with magic which increases its temperature so much that it can slash through most materials. He also has a sniper-rifle but hates to use it because silent assassination is not his way of fighting. He wears an above average quality military body armour which he owes his life to for saving him from bullets multiple times. Implants: None Magic: Rywan can use basic offensive fire spells like exploaive fireballs and often sets his already-magic sword on fire. Personality: He has a strong hate for the government and corruption. He is often reckless but has a cunning and intelligent mind. He believes in order and a just society. He can't bare it when someone is treated unjustly and will fight and kill agents of the government or other corrupt organisations. He miatrusts people in general, no matter what race they are. Bio: His family was killed when he was 14, if it wouldn't have been for Gryze, he would've been killed aswell. Shortly after their escape, they landed in a forest to rest and mourn, where an orc found them. Gryze almost ripped the Orc to bits when he tried to get closer with his crossbow. The orc then asked them if they wanted a place to sleep for the night, Rywan and Gryze, giving in to fatigue, followed the Orc to his camp. A big military camp in the forest. The next morning the Orc brought food to the two fugitives and listened to their story. The Orc then told them that the same happened to him. He was working against the government and one day when he got home his family was dead. So now he joined the Forest Raiders to fight againat the Government. The Orc gave Rywan a steel sword and a shield. Day after day Rywan trained with the Orc in the art of combat and magic and practiced flying with Gryze as he grew bigger and bigger. Gryze, a couple of months after training and helping at the rebel camp, was given a dragon-sized custom made body armor. While Rywan was given one of the best body armors from the camp's armoury, a sword able to withstand very high temperatures and a resilient shield which could deflect bullets. (Sorry if its a bit messy but I didnt want to write too much) Then one day the Orc decided Rywan and Gryze were ready, and so they set off to help where they could and to bring the downfall of corruption and the rise of order and justice! Misc: Company/Organization: Rywan wants to create an alliance of all races to fight against the government and establish a new society.