Name: Lillium "Lily" Valley Race: Elf Age: 32 Gender: Female Profession/Role/Position: Owner of a sandwich shop Appearance: Picture in the works Equipment: Laser gun. Just kidding. Lillium owns all the finest meat slicing machines. She also owns a rapier, which she keeps under the counter.. just in case. Magic: Flame Cloak: covers the user in fire. This is used uncontrollably, usually when Lillium is VERY angry. Flarebolt: Fire jumps from Lillium's hands much like chain lightning, searing the ground where it touches. ColdFire: Lillium ignites colorful sparks that fall like firework tendrils. The sparks are cold and dissipate once they touch solid objects. This is simply for show. Telekinesis: Used to move heavy objects that Lillium can't lift herself. Also used to throw salami at unwanted guests. Personality: Generally amiable, Lillium gets angry very easily. She also tends to get violent when she is threatened, no matter how subtle. More than once she has thrown salami at police officials and low-life criminals alike telling them to, "Get a sandwich, or get the fuck out." Bio: When Lillium was seven, her family moved to Texas in the hopes of a better life. What they found instead was corruption and filth. They had to take a loan just to get into a house. Over the next two years, they tried their hardest to pay off the debt they owed, but the interest was so high they could not afford it anymore. The Yakuza came to their home without notice. A simple parade of men poured into their home and killed her parents. Had Lillium been home that night, she would have died as well. Now homeless and without family, Lillium wandered the streets before being taken in by an elderly human couple. They taught her human etiquette, but could not contain her flaming rage. More than she would like to admit, she ruined quite a few pieces of furniture. Under their care, she was able to get a job by the age of 16. She was able to save up enough money to open a shop by the time she was 28. She had always loved sandwiches, they were delicious. So she started Lotuswich Shoppe and it has steadily gained business over the years. Misc: Lillium has a scar on her thigh from where she was shot in a raid on her shop a couple year back. Company/Organization: Lotuswich Shoppe at the edge of Elf Haven just outside Dragon's Den. A sandwich shop that Lillium has created from the ground up. She used her own money to get it started as she never trusted the bank or anyone else for a loan. It does fairly well, aside from random attacks by "criminals". Due to her past, Lillium won't allow anyone who could be remotely considered Yakuza to eat her sandwiches. Many police officers are not welcome.