[center][img]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-8436237_zps70d82684.png[/img][/center] The next morning a woman who caught the eyes of almost everyone who saw her made her way up to the apartment above the still under construction club. Her long silver blonde hair hung down freely and her slim, athletic, and well defined figure was clad in a jacket and long pants in accordance with the weather even though she really had no need of a jacket to ward off the cold. She wore a pair of plain sunglasses even though it wasn't all that bright out, sunglasses that helped keep people from noticing that the irises of her eyes were a bright orange rather than more normal human colors. She hadn't expected to have to deal with humans for such a long period of time. The plan had been to slay Macros and put an end to the man's evil forever. But her plan had not come to fruition. She had been defeated by the intervention of some anomaly who possessed traits she had never witnessed before. And since she had taken refuge among the humans she had been forced to delay things further. Alsia had been surprised by the kindness of the human Eric who had attempted to help her though she had found it irritating when she had to delay her healing to appear as if she too was human. Otherwise she could have been ready to launch her next strike the next day instead of waiting weeks to heal at human speed. During the time she had spent recovering the human seemed to have developed some fondness for her, attempting to enter into a relationship. The visisth had come to the conclusion that such would provide suitable cover and would ensure she did not have to find a new place to hole up while planning for the strikes against Macros. It wasn't at all due to any mutual attraction. Or so she insisted to herself even though in truth it had played a part. The fact that she wasn't spending this day looking into Macros, building her database on his exact routine and defenses stemmed from the fact that she had accepted the offer. Eric had not returned from his 'house sitting' for several days and while Alsia had not been particularly bothered by his absence she knew that the human response would be concern. And so she was here to do what she believed a human girl in the same situation would. She raised a hand to knock on the door and continued knocked until it eventually opened.