[center][img=http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh487/Shin-Rafale/kaibanner_zps931a597f.png][/center] All semblance of peace in Kai’s apartment was torn apart as soon as the blue text disappeared from his phone’s screen. Suddenly, lines of boring looking text took its place and Kai, still shocked, was about to tap the screen in hopes of figuring out what was going on, his screen was suddenly and rapidly filled with error windows that had a completely different style to the normal interface of his Android phone. Then the screen flashed a bright white that blinded Kai like a flashlight before returning to the home screen. [i]Wait, straight to the home screen?[/i] Kai had a rather harsh lock in place that even he had problems with sometimes. Normally, it would be impossible for his phone to go to his home screen from a stand-by without going through the lock-screen first, but… “Heeeeh, those are some pretty nice girls you have there.” Suddenly, a cocky and confident sounding voice filled his mind. It was almost as if he was wearing headphones, but there were none to be found in or on his ears. And to add to this, the sound felt more central in his skull. When one listened to music through headphones, the sounds of the instruments and the vocals were not actually heard in the ears, but more like in the back of the head, with the slight exception of open headphones that let the sounds out once they had gone in, giving an impression that the sound came from out of the ears. This voice, belonging to an unseen male, was incredibly clear, and unlike sounds from an audio device, the sound filled his entire head, as if it was in his very mind. “Hey, I’m not against 2D, but what the hell?! That’s, like, the only thing you’ve got! What a virgin!” Grating against the inside of his head with a sneer, the still unknown voice tore into him and Kai grit his teeth, but blushing at the same time. However, that voice could be considered the least of his problems. Without any action, the P8 opened up [i]Apollo[/i], the music app he had installed on his phone and some unknown force began browsing through the list of music on his phone, playing a few different tracks for a few seconds before skipping to something else. This new being was seemingly bored by Kai’s choice of music, accentuated by his next words. “Boring. Slow. So totally L.A.M.E.” A particular harshness was put on ‘lame’ and Kai was taken aback. If this was an anime, this would be the part where he’d throw a comeback and look all classy, but instead he just listened and looked on, like a soldier who had just found a flash grenade thrown a meter away from him. Anyway, this new character seemingly gave up on Kai’s own music and instead went straight to YouTube, opening up a rather dark song, remixed with a higher pitch and a higher speed, adding an even greater feeling of chaos to it. The tiny speaker on the phone was put to a level that Kai hadn’t even known it was capable of reaching and it was pumped yet higher at a particular part of the song. Had Kai anymore energy left in him, he would have probably thrown the phone and ran out of the room, however, he was trapped in terror and instead stood frozen with the phone practically nailed to his hand. Deafened by the screaming in synchronization with the vocals of the song unknown to Kai, the voice then silenced for barely a second before uttering ‘next’ and changing songs. Once again at an inhuman speed, this new song had lyrics that felt particularly poignant to Kai and he gritted his teeth even more as this new singer continued along. “Awesome, but I want something else. Hmm, what should it be...” This song was on for much less time, thankfully, but it seemed the thing that had invaded his phone wanted even more. Kai trembled as another song was chosen and played for a minute. All of the sixty seconds that followed, which felt like an eternity, an infernal tapping was heard in his mind in “harmony” with the music. At this point, Kai dropped the phone and clutched his head, and he fell to his knees as pitiful tears began to well in his eyes. “Uh, not bad but not my style. Sheeeesh, there’s nothing on this thing! And it’s getting kinda slow, too. Time to take a little trip!” Kai stopped clutching the sides of his head when the song stopped and looked up in bewilderment as a bizarrely colored lightning bolt sprung from the phone, first into the microwave and then travelling across the room. It was like something out of a horror movie, the young man remarked as the lights began to flicker and the lights began to crackle. Kai could only wonder if the light bulb with survive the ordeal. Then, there was silence. However, Kai had a feeling it wasn’t over… [i][url=http://youtu.be/7XQURnX_C_A?t=32s]IF YOU WANT IT, YOU GOTTA JUMP ON IT~[/url][/i] Kai jumped from his place on the floor as music began booming from his room. The door was closed, but he could see it visually vibrate as the music burst from his computer’s speakers in his room. The flabbergasted man, while now standing, couldn’t bring himself to go into his room and instead just stood silently as he heard the chaos erupting from the door. He could only suspect what was happening behind the door, as he was shook by the music. His heart beat like a machine gun, shaking his body with every shot from its hot barrel. Just like a machine gun, Kai felt every part of his body hit by the recoil and his breaths became shallow as the gravity of the situation began to overcome him. Sure, he was in no real danger, but no sane person would be able to take such an event without reacting. “Hehehe, seems like my new master actually has a thing for the 2D. What a bummer~ I’m stuck with a total virgin agaaaain. What a loser.” With a verbal jab from his new acquaintance, the music finally came to its end, fading away before its place was taken at a much lower volume by a song that Kai recognized, though in instrumental form. It was one of his favorites, but the whole predicament he was in kept him from being happy about hearing it. With this, Kai gingerly touched the knob of the door and opened it and was met with the site of all of his collection of goods on the floor. Heads were missing from figures, his mouse was being crushed by a pile of magazines and, worst of all, his speakers had tumbled onto the floor and the cable had disconnected, letting them violently hit the floor. Bending over to pick up the wire, Kai looked disheartenedly at the speakers, which were fine, but the male end of the stereo audio cable was bent and looked practically unusable. With a slight whimper, Kai put the cable back on his desk and navigated through the ruins, until he was in front of his desk. He had endured enough nonsense for one morning and seemingly, the new character, who now found himself on Kai’s large monitor, was of similar ideas. Wearing a black jacket and a grey scarf, with black hair and green eyes, he had a similar image to what Kai would have predicted. Everything from how he was dressed, his appearance and to his posture; everything screamed cockiness. “So, you’re this Kai person?” Kai would have responded, but instead the man continued on rudely and Kai listened with a tired expression as he practically fell onto his desk chair, which sat unscathed amidst all the destruction. “Your face has loser spelled all over it.” He said with a disappointed tone. This would have been a perfect time for a witty comeback, if Kai had it in him. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t, so she silently listened as he went on. “Well, whatever. Time to get these stupid formalities out of the way.” Surprisingly enough, the man on his screen smiled. However, Kai easily saw through it. It was the same smile he had seen so many times for the last few years. On the face of a doctor, a nurse, his parents and even his beloved sister, this was a smile that, while sweet and almost looked earnest, it was a fake sweetness, like candy. And like all candy, eat too much, and you get tired of it. Kai’s expression hardened as he saw the shape of the man’s mouth, a curve that reeked saccharine sweetness. A liar’s smile. Or perhaps he was overthinking it? Kai would have liked to think so, but he had seen too much in his life to think anything less of it. “Nice to meet you. Shut up, so I can tell you what’s going on. Today you received a messa-” AVG popped up on screen with a chime, giving the usual virus detected window, hitting the scarfed man in the face comically. Kai would have laughed, if the occasion was any different. Swearing, the man made a few motions and Kai saw AVG disappear from his toolbar and desktop, apparently deleted. His smile now gone, for which Kai almost felt thankful, the man continued, annoyed. “Long story short, I’m the key you bought. The Leviathan Chronicler. My Code Name is Rasui. The other fellows from my place call me that. It’s like a second first name or whatever.” He pointed at Kai after saying this, with a sudden and sharp movement and Kai reeled backwards. “Let me get one thing straight here, Kai Maav. There’s no way I’m going to waste my time in this dump. This place’s a mess, totally not my kind of hang out. So, lets not waste any time and get with the program. Open the Key Shop app on your phone, choose a username and lets get cracking. Oh, yah, and then there’s the name you’re supposed to give me. I’m not all that picky, but no lame girly stuff or random objects!” Kai sighed and finally spoke to the character, who had introduced himself as Rasui, with a sharp and snappy tone. “First of all, way to make an entrance. [i]Love[/i] your choice of music, by the way.” Truth be told, it took him all of his remaining motivation to speak in such a way, putting emphasis on a word to indicate sarcasm, but he felt satisfied afterward. “Second, it’s Maaß. As in, ‘M’, ‘A’, ‘S-S’. Third, it’s only a dump because you made it that way, but I’ll sound like a whiner if I keep complaining.” He thanked himself silently for getting into so many flamewars on NetChan, which had trained himself in speaking as such. With that, he left the room for a moment, making a gesture at the screen and doing his best to look confident (and perhaps failing in the process) as he went to retrieve his phone from the kitchen, where he had left it. Returning, he sat down with his phone, but just as he was going to open the app, he paused, and looked up towards the monitor. “Look, to be honest, I have no idea what’s going on here and you haven’t helped with that. So, if we’re going to get along here, I’m going to need some answers, so let’s make an agreement. I choose a decent name for you and I do this whole process of choosing a username or whatever and you’ll give me answers as soon as I’m done. Real answers too. Honest explanations. Am I understood?” He didn’t wait for an answer and went straight into the app. First, it asked him for a name for Rasui, which wasn't a bad name, but he wouldn't seem too creative if he decided to use it again. Thinking over it for a moment, Kai decided that it would be best to choose something that had a decent ring to it, but had some meaning to it. Suddenly, it came to him. Typing carefully on the digital keyboard, he entered the name and hit ‘enter’. “I hope ‘Loki’ is good enough for you. If not, then tough.” He muttered as he continued onto the username. This time, he gave it less thought. It would just be easiest to go with a name he had used before and with no hesitation, he typed the name of the very character he had been playing the day before. ‘Blitz Sylph’, he had called her when he had created her two months ago and even if he had a male character in this apparent “game”, it worked well enough for both sexes. Though, he still had no idea what was going on, but he still felt pressed to move on. It’s not like this Rasui guy was going to give him much peace if he stopped to think, so he pressed on. “There, ‘Blitz Sylph.’ That work for you?” He muttered as the screen on his phone went blank, waiting for further actions...