(We are Full Sorry... T.T Wish I could work with more maybe I will make another RP :3 Based on the Club they go to.) [URL=http://s261.photobucket.com/user/Sauto_Anmizuiki/media/Villa-2-900x1600.jpg.html][IMG]http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii80/Sauto_Anmizuiki/Villa-2-900x1600.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Chateau Lamonka is a Vast Estate, and isn't owned by anyone, though tenets there are from all walks of life, and do pay the bills, and get along, no one knows why, no one ever cared to ask... Anyhow, Grand Structure has a bla bla bla history that we will not go into because it is long and boring to most people who are not into architecture or history. Though many People live here, not even a 20th of the grounds have been explored for sometime, and a 10th of the Mansion house wouldn't be occupied by 100 people, long story short this place is big... and it is vast, and has many things still unexplored and explained, like some of the roommates jobs, and how they can get such good luck as to go undetected from people knowing for years and years. And then all at once the luck goes south and well it becomes history.... No one is rich enough to own the estate fully and the will of the owner says that it will only belong to those who find the deed and his real will for the place... it has yet to be found. Also something about the place... somehow everything gets done at night, everything is kept up and cleaned, and the chores done, the food here is to everyone liking and they never have to shop... like some Elves get the work done or something... and no robber has touched the place, and the ones that live here, don't rob the place because then they would be killed... those who steel from here often get malled by Ravens or Rats or something of the like, or meat unfortunate ends.... many things about this place are strange but it keeps the occupants safe.