Stop resisting and I get a quick death. Well it was a lovely offer, but death didn't seem so appealing to him at this point, quite the opposite. Luckily, although Bouncer was agile, she wasn't the strongest person Wenchang had fought. Still, despite himself he was in a slight mess, Bouncer's martial arts enthusiasm was becoming increasingly apparent to Wenchang as he felt his vision darkening at the sides. Being knocked out was really the last thing he wanted in this situation. Wenchang's free hand desperately searched his satchel for the only thing that would work in this situation. He managed to quickly extract a syringe. The syringe was filled with a clear liquid, a powerful ketamine based sedative. Dropping the aerosol to his feet he stabbed Bouncer's leg. It didn't kick in instantly, but Wenchang attempted to take advantage of Bouncer's surprise, by slamming the back of his head into her face, following it up by escaping her hold with a series of harsh elbow blows. Should Bouncer let go, Lev would nimbly turn crouch, and withdraw a small pistol. He would then kick the aerosol at her, and try to permanently put her out of action by firing a shot into it, igniting the propellant, causing it to explode. Should she manage to hang onto Wenchang, he would sacrifice his right wrist to kepp her close to him so he could keep raining elbopw blows on her side until she passed out.