Blast Girl was kind of stunned as she was lifted into the air. But only barely... he could barely even lift her off the ground! ... but he could throw her. Oh, shit. The blonde superheroine barely had time to lower the effect of gravity on her before she slammed into the glass, crashing through it. That wasn't the end of it, though, an unfortunately clothes rack found itself in the crossfire, and she smacked into that, too, sending it to the ground and getting herself covered in clothing. For a moment, she lay there. Wow, that hurt. A lot of things hurt. However... She quickly tried to figure out what hurt and how bad it hurt, and to her relief nothing seemed broken. Painful, bruised(and a couple cuts on her arm from the glass, but not broken. Like hell this would get her down! The pile of clothing stirred, then rose, dresses falling down around her as Blast Girl rose to her feet. "I only wear those for special occasions, you bastard!" she cried. Even if he couldn't hear her now... it felt right to say. Blast Girl tried to take a quick check of the area. Since she'd made sure she wasn't out of commission she had to make sure no-one else was, too. Or in the case of the bad guys, put them out of commission. And there they were, the mooks in the fog. They were too far for her to close the distance quickly, even with the foggy cover... but that wouldn't stop her!