[quote=Schradinger] I was thinking I'd edit her backstory to include growth acceleration after birth, which her healing factor would compensate for once she reached puberty and it activated. That would help make up for any time discrepancies in Logan's backstory and involvement with Weapon X. I'd also like to collaborate with Henry on this, because I think it would be really interesting for Logan to meet someone like himself, but who wasn't able to escape like he was. Someone who had to live through years of the hell that he fought his way out of. I'd love to see how he handles that kind of situation, and what kind of mentor it would turn him into, if any kind at all. Would he accept her and try to save her? Would he reject her because his past is too painful for him? Would she be willing to take his help if he offered it? Would he even be willing to give it? It's a really unique story opportunity that most characters don't get to deal with, and which Logan is especially well-suited for.Basically, I think it would make an awesome story and be really fun to write. :) [/quote] Does X-23 have a real name? And what does she look like? The name rings a bell somewhere...