The simulation did not begin well for Shin. Despite the barrier, the flashbang from the grenades still overwhelmed his supernaturally sharp senses. He was sent reeling for several seconds, clutching at his helmet, all the while only vaguely aware of the rest of the action going on. When he came to, he was still blinded, but this time due to a red paint covering his visor. With a growl of frustration, Shin tore the helmet off, as well as his gloves and leather jacket as he found them to also be soiled with paint. Discarding the clothing, he shook out his hair and ran his tongue over his fangs, his burning eyes sweeping over the scene before him. With the situational awareness that could only be possessed by a superhuman, Shin observed the scenario and decided on what tactics to take. He rushed out from behind the cover of the barrier and dashed directly up the side of a nearby building, digging out his own purchases in the sheer surface with his booted feet. A "terrorist" awaited Shin at the rooftop, who Shin then greeted with what he deemed to be a "glancing blow." He struck the man directly in the face with his fist, crushing his nose and knocking him out cold. Shin picked up the man by his harness and carried him along as he leaped along the rooftops toward the bus. The next terrorist Shin encountered was much more cleanly dealt with. Using the first terrorist as a human shield to block the spray of rubber bullets, he seized the still conscious man by the throat, and choked him out in a matter of seconds. It was then that he spotted the mortar nest forming on a rooftop further along. Armed now with a meat shield on each arm to fend off the nuisance of the rubber rounds, he carried on to deal with that threat before it solidified. The unconscious men were flung forward like living missiles into the mortar nest, followed shortly by Shin himself barreling in. He dove directly into the nest, taking away their advantage of range, and let loose on the opposition within. Superhuman speed and strength, combined with decades of martial training and centuries of practice turned Shin into a whirlwind in combat, even when outnumbered. Those that tried to attack from behind were thrown over Shin's shoulder into the others, and any foolish enough to try a frontal attack were sent away with a broken limb. A discarded rifle was swung like a club into some, before eventually being bent totally out of shape. When the men in the nest were all either knocked out or close to it, Shin picked up a few of their mortars and started to prime them. Chucking them like footballs, one mortar was tossed into a sniper nest across the street. Another was aimed at the rocket launchers perched further away, and the last at the barricade of cars closing off the street itself. Dusting himself off, Shin took a short breather (despite his lack of need for breath). He reached into his pocket and produced his packet of cigarettes, only to remember that his lighter had been confiscated when he arrived. Why that had been an issue while the owl fellow across the way practically had an arsenal with him, Shin had no idea. [I]"Yare, yare daze."[/I] he grumbled in annoyance.